Meet Candace Ford

Honored as one of Houston’s Top 50 Entrepreneurs, Candace Ford has already made a big name for herself as a philanthropist, and influencer. Now, she is only raising the bar as she levels up even higher with her new premium cigar line which has recently made its debut on the market. Candace Ford has set out with an ambitious goal to show that cigar smoking is not what we may perceive such as it being exclusively for men or unladylike, but rather the exact opposite, it is sexy & sophisticated for women. One thing is for sure, whatever your thoughts on the subject, it is lucrative and generally thought of as upscale and you will come to see as I have that Candace has a widely yet untapped marketing jewel in her hands for sure! Her cigar brand is called

LLC Cigars which stands for “The Lady Loves Cigars.”

As a woman stepping into the Tobacco industry, what made you decide to start a cigar brand?

I have been smoking cigars for over 20 years, and when people think of cigars, they automatically think of it being something that only men indulge in. I started my own cigar collection because I wanted to create a collection designed with women in mind especially when I was told I could not. I am all about women’s empowerment so why not create something for us?! LLC (Lady Loves Cigars) represents so many things like confidence, power, control, and strength. LLC was created for all the many women who have felt excluded from the cigar world! Now we can enjoy the cigar as well! We want in!

What was it like starting your business & how would you say the perception from men was?

For some time, I questioned if I should even start a cigar collection because it is such a male-dominated industry, but deep down I knew it was something I should do for women. For me to succeed in this industry I knew I had to believe in my abilities, and I could not second guess myself. I knew some would be in my corner & others would doubt me, but I had to stay the course despite this and not let anyone undermine my vision and what I aimed to accomplish. I am thankful for the men in my life who have supported me on so many levels and have offered so much advice on this business. At the end of the day, I realized that I had just as much to offer in the cigar business as any man.

Read the Full Interview in our July/August Queen’s issue by clicking Here!

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