This New Moon in Leo Phase is All About Inventing Your New You

Kween Keziah

Many of us have been feeling the need to change things and that is no coincidence. This new moon in Leo energy is definitely here to encourage changes for your highest and greatest good. When you had that thought to change your routine or add something new to your routine or stop doing something you normally know that it wasn’t just a thought but a seed being planted for your highest and greatest version. Water that seed and Grow with it !!

ARIES: Let go of the things/people that are fading or falling away.  Don’t resist !! It’s time to put all your focus on yourself. Some of you need to just say No !! Be too busy loving yourself that you can’t for them. Learn new things about you, your likes and dislikes. A makeover would be nice at this time either for yourself or your favorite room in your house or both.

TAURUS: Avoid substance abuse and follow your intuition. Inner balance is seeking you so take time out to meditate. At this time you should be spending more time in nature, feet in the grass, swimming in the ocean, planting seeds, talking to trees, and relaxing outdoors. 

GEMINI: Step out of your comfort zone !! Leave the past behind you because you’re headed in the right direction. Your angels and guides are daring you to do something different. Stand on your own two feet and face your fear, You Got This !! 

CANCER: Know that you’re good enough !! Worrying too much will only bring you more things to worry about. Stop second-guessing yourself!! Start planting more good seeds and seeds to bring good karma back to you.

LEO: A new start is coming so don’t worry about the past. Use this new moon energy to manifest because the answer is YES !! Believe it and you will receive it. Be open to starting over again because this time you will be better aligned.

VIRGO: Your hard work is paying off !! Be more disciplined during this time and make a plan to execute your goal. For some of you now is the time for Renegotiating your contracts or your work and pay. Think about your 12-18 month goals and your plan to and achieve them. Avoid controlling people and if you’re the controlling person then release that energy from your solar plexus chakra.

LIBRA: The tough cycle is soon ending !! Know that effort is Required. Do more of what you want for yourself and less of what others want you to do for them. Are you willing to do what you have to make your dreams come true without being ruthless?! Release the fear and find a balance between your personal and private life.

SCORPIO: It’s a time to give rather than take !! Ask yourself where you are right now and where you want to go. Commit to adding healthier eating and routines to your daily schedule. Be of service to others knowing the universe will reward you when the time is right. Get your life in order and start trading low vibrational things, people music, thoughts, and habits for high vibrational ones. 

SAGITTARIUS: Don’t let your pride block you from your blessings!! Are your questions and actions from your ego or from your heart, more love and reactions for your higher and greater God is the solution. Time to find a balance between your needs and the needs of those around you. Accepting and respecting everyone is equally important !! 

CAPRICORN: Trust in your Highest Good !! Surrender to the divine at this time, meditate and contemplate. If you’re thinking about a relationship right now then adjust your expectations but something better may be around the corner. Remember what you think, you attract !!

AQUARIUS: Prosperity Lies Ahead !! Your friendly reminder that when you value yourself others will value you as well !! Get a massage and start a savings account no matter how small. Getting clear on what you want most will help you find peace. You can have what you want and will soon be able to afford the things you dream about so with your magic, you can create the life you want!!

PISCES: Confidence is Your Key to Success !! A new cycle for you is on its way but you must stay true to yourself and embrace your confidence. Show the world what you’ve got and shine your light!! Have some pride and be proud of who you are !! 

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