Household Herbs and Their Many Uses

Hey God’s and Goddesses! What kind of herbs and spices do you cook with? Many of our everyday ingredients are used for purification, medicinal, and much more. Here’s a short list of pantry herbs and spices we should all keep on our shelves.



Garlic is one herb amid others for its universal usage and properties. Garlic is an antimicrobial plant, which means it can be made into antibiotics. This helps with bacteria and viruses. Garlic oil is used in respiratory infections and chronic bronchitis. Garlic can also help reduce high blood pressure. This herb is also great for protection.



Oats is best for stress! Oat remedies are considered when dealing with depression, and because of its high levels of silicic acid  their also great for rashes and skin conditions. Oats are considered a “happy” herb. Pour some in your bath water for kindness, health, and to improve your finances.



Cayenne, the hot and spicy healer! Cayenne is a systematic stimulant. This spice is great for regulating the blood flow, strengthening your heart, arteries, and nerves. In poor circulation especially dealing cold hand and feet, Cayenne can be used. Cayenne can also be used for banishing, and reversing negativity.



Cinnamon is usually carminative in adding as an addition with other herbs. Cinnamon can also relive nausea and vomiting and help against diarrhea. This herb is also great for attracting abundance, wealth, and prosperity.  



Ginger can be used as a stimulant in cases of bad circulation and cramps. When used to gargle, Ginger can aid a sore throat, also helping with nausea when used in tea. Ginger can also be used for balance and grounding love.

Happy Manifesting!

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