Olympian Priscilla Frederick Loomis Shares How to Stay Healthy during the Holidays with this 20 min workout

The holiday season is approaching, and it can be a pretty big disruption if you’re trying to stay fit and be healthy. Whether you’re dealing with travel for the holidays, tempted by taste treats, or spending time with family, you need a convenient way to stay active during the festivities. We caught up with Priscilla Frederick Loomis to learn more about her famous 20-minute bodyweight workout that she does during the holiday season to stay in shape and to stay active. 

Do you find it challenging juggling between being a full-time entrepreneur and a philanthropist?
As of lately, yes! Both my business and nonprofit have the same mission of empowerment, love, and positivity, but prioritizing a loving marriage, a new home, a new business, a growing nonprofit, and the holidays around the corner, has its challenges but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Every day I wake up happy, healthy & extremely grateful that I am able to follow my purpose.

What’s a typical morning routine for you?
My morning routine is my saving grace! I wake up around 5:30-6 am. I’ve tried the 5 am “Successful Entrepreneurs wake up at 5 am” advice but Priscilla loves her sleep!
Have a cup of coffee and light breakfast with my husband for about 20 minutes, get ready (shower, brushing my teeth, washing my face, putting makeup on, and doing my hair) while praying the rosary followed by an episode of “The positive Mindset” podcast. Pour another cup of coffee and open up my laptop, calendar, and notebook and start working on emails.

Priscilla Frederick Loomis

Can you share your 20-minute bodyweight workout that you like to do during the holiday season?
Absolutely! Body weight exercises are perfect for everyone! I love full-body workouts so I can hit every area!
1-minute cardio warm-up – bicycle/jog/ jumping jacks (I also use my CLMBR); Helps if you listen to a song!
30 seconds on-30 seconds off

Squats-Glute Bridges- Burpees-calf raises -lunge jumps- plank- Calf raise-push ups- dips- mountain climbers
1-minute break
30 seconds on- 30 seconds off

Sit-ups- V Ups- Bicycles- Reverse bicycle- plank- left side bent arm plank- right side bent arm plank- Hollow hold
All done! That’ll work off those Holiday cookies!

Since the holidays are approaching, what type of snacks do you recommend for people that don’t want to gain weight?
Unpopular opinion- Avoid snacking. Try having 6 meals a day, based around protein.
But if you want healthy options, try:
Charcuterie boards bc they are fun and creative- nuts, fruits, raw veggies, hummus, edamame, cheese (a little high in sodium and fat so I would go light on the cheese)
High-protein yogurt/ smoothies
Cottage Cheese
Avocado on Ezekiel bread

Any recommendations for people who are looking to get fit in 2023?
Start RIGHT NOW! Work on the daily habit of exercising for 20 minutes, drinking more water, and making healthier choices so it’s not cold turkey walking into the holiday season!
Try and have a big healthy breakfast to start your day off right, Drink plenty of water during the day, and Don’t make unrealistic goals i.e I’m going to avoid junk food while you drive to a cookie exchange. If you are going to big dinners, junk food hot spots, or out for drinks with friends, allow yourself that experience but make it a habit now to eat better when you have the choice.
Avoid cocktails with a lot of sugar!
Saying no is ok! Learn to say no to foods and activities that aren’t going to better you! It is 2023, you are a priority!

What are your plans or goals on things you would like to accomplish for the New Year?
I love New Year’s! It’s a great representation of starting fresh and beginning a new chapter in life! 2023 I am working on controlling what I can control, prosperity in my business, breaking negative generational habits, and patience (which I am horrible at lol) 2023 is all about staying in a positive mindset of empowerment and gratitude. I always had resolutions or goals but changing my mindset has allowed me to open up to new opportunities. I don’t want to block my blessings and ask for something set in stone when something greater could be meant for me.

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