She’s A Boss! Lisa Bonner, Esq. Drops Gems on How She Excels in Multiple Roles!

Have you ever met someone and wondered, “How does she/he do it all?” Meet Lisa Bonner, Esq.; a successful entrepreneur, veteran entertainment, and intellectual property attorney, and now, she’s adding author to her resume. I had the pleasure of getting the scoop on how she manages to find the balance to her very busy life, while also being a force within her industry.

You got your start in entertainment as an attorney. What made you want to get into television production, and how did you make that transition?

I’m still very much a practicing Entertainment Attorney. That is my bread and butter. I got into the documentary film production space because I represent several film producers and help put projects together to bring to the small screen. So, it was very natural that I get into production, but I never stopped practicing. I just added film production to my repertoire.

This Spring you have are releasing your debut book, let’s talk about, “The LegaliTEAS of Entrepreneurship: The Relentless Pursuit of Excellence and Balance in Starting Your Own Business” – what have you witnessed in the career that led you to write The LegaliTEAS of Entrepreneurship?

In my career, I work with many entrepreneurs and small businesses. I decided to write the book as a primer or a blueprint/how to because most people just don’t know how to effectively start and maintain a business. They may have some of the elements, but even some of those elements have missing pieces so this was my way to give back to show you how to start and maintain a business properly from the ground up in an easy-to-read, primer for the layperson.
I also realized that many entrepreneurs get so mired down in starting their businesses that they don’t take time to focus on the whole self. Entrepreneurship is exciting but draining and you must know how to move in the world with balance, which is often compromised when striving for excellence, but it can be done. In “Tea Time”, the chapters that are interspersed between the “how-to” chapters, I’m spilling the tea on maintaining excellence and balance along your entrepreneurial journey via first-person anecdotes, wisdom chapters, and cautionary tales. And that’s what sets this book apart (and me of course!)

What message are you hoping for readers to get from your upcoming book? 

The takeaway is that you must build your business on a solid foundation. One of my favorite quotes in the book is “If the first button of one’s coat is wrongly buttoned, all the rest will be crooked.” Meaning if you don’t establish all elements of your business properly, you’re potentially facing business and financial repercussions that are costly, if not impossible to correct.

With you working in various areas of the entertainment business, do you have a favorite? And if so, why?

I don’t know if I have a favorite, but I love seeing and hearing the projects I’ve worked on come to fruition. It’s satisfying to know that I played a major part in the process to bring a project to life. Producing, on the other hand, helps me hone my creative side. But what people don’t understand is that it often takes years for these entertainment projects to get green-lit and developed. It’s a slow burn. But very satisfying.

What advice would give someone who is currently in law school or aspiring to get into the entertainment business?

My advice has always been: Learn how to be a good lawyer first. There’s no such thing as “entertainment law” per se. We are transactional attorneys who deal in intellectual property and contract law so you must know the law first, then you can learn the elements of the industry.
However, even in the industry, each medium is very different. Music has bifurcated rights for the master and composition. In television, unscripted is a very different genre and set of rights than scripted, and in film, documentaries are vastly different than features.
I’m a rare breed in that I’m an entertainment generalist in that I specialize in all three areas making me somewhat of a unicorn and that has provided me with a unique career and trajectory in that most entertainment lawyers usually have one focus, whereas I have all 3. I was blessed to work at a production house very early on where I learned the elements of each, and I was very intentional on continuing to practice in each.

What’s some of the most valuable advice you were given while pursuing your career endeavors?

Learn the law; learn how to be a good lawyer. You have people’s livelihood in your hands. I take that very seriously. As an entrepreneur, the best advice is to work smarter, not harder. More customers or clients don’t always translate into more income. Be smart and be choosy. I drop so many jewels in the book. It’s hard, to sum up, all the advice in a paragraph.

Are any projects in the works or that will be hitting the big screen this year? 

I personally have a few projects that are in development, and we’ll hopefully get the green light on one or more of those. But professionally, you’ll see a lot of projects where I’ve been music or production counsel for a series (and documentaries) that are either out now or coming soon. Even though I didn’t birth these projects, I take special pride in knowing that I played a huge role in getting that project on screen! That’s almost just as exciting for me. But I’m REALLY excited about the book. That’s where my focus is now. It’s really a special project that can help so many people so I’m excited to get that out there.

When and where can our readers purchase your new book? 

My book is scheduled for publication on April 19 and you can buy it online (Amazon and Barnes & Noble) and at your favorite bookstore near you!

If you’re interested in connecting with Lisa, check her out at @LisaBonner on all socials! And be sure to head to your nearest bookstore in person or online to check out her new book next month!

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