Glazed Infusions CBD, a Black-Owned Company, Giving Relief to People Suffering from Stress, Sleeplessness, and Pain

The craze is real, and nowadays, just about everything is infused with it from food, oils, drinks, lotions, sprays, to gummy candies and more. 

What is it you ask?

It’s called CBD, or cannabidiol, a chemical found in the cannabis (marijuana) plant, but the part that doesn’t get you high. Its notoriety has taken off. To meet the demand, a black women-owned company called, Glazed Infusions CBD, has created infused CBD products and she’s hearing positive results from her customers. Many have reaped the benefits of this phenomenon. 

Actually, during these times when so many are suffering from pain, stress, and sleep deprivation, countless people have sought alternatives to traditional doctors and medicines. As a result, many say when they use CBD, it relieves their stress and anxiety, helps with sleep problems, and it relieves their pain. Oftentimes, it’s been reported the effects are life-changing. In fact, the owner of the company has personally had healing results after she went through some issues of her own. 

Glazed Infusions CBD is capitalizing on society’s changing perceptions regarding the benefits of non-traditional treatments derived from the hemp plant; thereby, creating an influx of interest and usage in her products.

To show her appreciation during black history month, Glazed Infusions CBD is donating a percentage of sales to black mental health community groups. Their donations and mission are to help bring awareness to mental health in the black community because the topic is often avoided or taken lightly.

With that in mind, Glazed Infusions CBD offers products that are in alignment with self-care, self-love, and self-acceptance. Check out what the owner has to say.

For those who don’t know, what is CBD and what is meant by infused? Also, how is it used and what are its health benefits? 

CBD is a compound found in hemp plants. Often when products are infused with CBD, it just means they have some content of CBD in said products. CBD is often used for a wide range of things but is more commonly used for pain management, to help anxiety, and to help with insomnia as well.

Tell us about the trend with more and more people using CBD-infused products. Is that what prompted you to start your business?

I delved into the world of CBD on a personal journey trying to find something that could help my debilitating anxiety, especially during quarantine. CBD proved to be effective for me but I couldn’t quite find a brand that had as much range as far as the strengths of CBD. So, I created my own. I wanted to have as many different flavors and dosages as I could to choose from.

Tell us about your business and its mission.

Our primary mission is to advocate and support a proactive approach to health management by providing a local and safe environment to dispense CBD products. We aim to be inclusive and serve our customers quality products with integrity and transparency.

For black history month, your company is donating a percentage of your sales to mental health community groups. Why are you doing that?

I must admit it is a personal mission to align my brand with a cause that is worthwhile and can truly be impactful. Mental health is still a very nuanced topic, although more and more people are acknowledging the seriousness of it. I would like to give back and be a part of some progressive conversations and change.

Why is important for you to bring awareness to mental health illness in the black community?

It is important to me to be a part of movements and discussions that bring about change. I have struggled with mental health issues in the past and when I have been vocal about it, it was overlooked because it is such a taboo thing to speak about in my community. Because my brand’s overall message is big on self-care and mental health, I want it to be aligned with something progressive and conducive to the conversation.

What are some signs of mental illness?

It is important to contact health professionals when dealing with delicate matters such as mental health. I urge people to check in with themselves and others from time to time. If you feel your energy depleting constantly, no longer taking interest in things that bring you joy and peace, and you’re having constant self-deprecating thoughts and feelings, reach out to a professional or someone close and understanding. Please don’t let it keep eating at you inside.

There has been a big shift with women in particular who are into self-care, self-love, and self-acceptance. What is the difference between the three? 

Yes! It really is a great movement in just embracing every part of you and giving yourself the care you often forget you need. Self-care is keeping up with yourself internally and externally, and maintaining balance. Self-love is giving yourself the TLC (tender, love, and care) you need and indulging in yourself without feeling guilty or bad about it. Self-acceptance is being okay with all your little quirks and differences.

Why does what people think about themselves and how they care about themselves matter?

The most important relationship you can have is with yourself. It sets the tone for how others treat you. It makes a world of difference when you think the world of yourself.

What’s next for you?

We are working on expanding our team, building some more brand awareness, and getting in stores. It’s a very busy but exciting time.

You can follow Glazed Infusions on social media at:

Instagram  @glazedinfusions  

Facebook @glazedinfusions

Twitter @glazedinfusions

Photography By: Rob Griffin

Writer, Debbie Stokes is a contributing writer. You can follow her on Instagram @iamdebbiestokes

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