Meet Fashion Designer Yele, Who Is Bringing A New Meaning to African Fashion!

“African Fashion is Luxury Fashion” -Yele

Born and raised in Nigeria, Yele also known for her brand Yele Stitches is changing the way we see African Fashion. Her work gives much honor to Nigerian history and culture!

Your passion for what you do definitely reflects in your work. When did you discover your love for the art of fashion?

I always knew I had a thing for fashion from an early age because back then I really enjoyed wrapping myself in my towel to create “new styles” in front of the mirror. I never took it seriously until I turned 16 and used a sewing machine for the first time. For my 21st birthday, my dad bought me my first sewing machine. I was so excited and started creating a lot of random styles! I mixed fabrics a lot, especially fabrics that are usually not used together. I combined head tie fabrics “Aso Oke” with cotton fabrics, damask with Ankara and it always turned out great! Only I knew how oddly put together it was, but everyone else liked it! Since then, I think I have gotten better at mixing colors and fabrics together.

 These stunning looks below are available via the website for Yele Stitches!

Although you now reside in Baltimore, you were actually born and raised in Nigeria. What challenges did you face while transitioning to the United States as a designer? 

For one thing, the cultural shock has made things difficult. Understanding the culture of the people I wish to serve, as well as what they want or need, has been a challenge. Another challenge is learning how business works here, how tax works, how a business requires proper bookkeeping, how a business requires insurance, etc. In Nigeria, I had a lot of family and friends that I could always assign tasks and not worry about getting it done. It is so different now!

My friends and family are really supportive, however, they have located hundreds of miles away. Whether we admit it or not, family and friends are the first to support us as business owners, and sadly, I do not have that cushion here. I’m still attempting to establish a network of friends and family here, it hasn’t been easy, but I’ve met some truly incredible people who I now refer to as my sister, uncle, aunty. Most importantly I am grateful for my husband, who has really pulled off getting “the most supportive husband” award in my book hahaha.


Your eye-catching designs feature playful prints, patterns, and colors. What is your inspiration behind them? 

 The interesting prints, patterns, and colors I use are mostly inspired by the women in my life, my heritage, my culture, and my country. Every day I know doing this is not just for me, but for everyone who also draws inspiration from the pieces I create

You curated the slogan African Fashion is Luxury Fashion. Could you explain to us the meaning behind it and how you want it to resonate with others?

Oh, I love this one! So, all too often, when I look at the paltry attempts to include African fashion in the lineup of big fashion houses like Chanel and Dior, it enrages me to see the rather lazy craftsmanship applied to the pieces. They are crude in a way that’s quite unbecoming of their respective labels, seeing as they regularly churn out traditionally western showstoppers made with comparatively closer attention to detail. Having these western “high fashion” pieces displayed next to these lackluster “ethnic” pieces underscores how little they regard cultures such as my own. It reinforces the narrative, even on an unconscious level, that African fashion is implicitly inferior to traditional Western fashion. I have made it my mission to flip this narrative on its head completely, to ostentatiously demonstrate that African fashion is something to unironically marvel at.


 What advice do you have for those aspiring to make a name for themselves in the fashion industry?

Find the powerful message you want to share with the world. Then pick up your needle. Millions will march behind you.Oh, and ignore all the naysayers. Find the people that see your vision. Nurture that vision day and night. And one day, it will shine brightly for all to see.

 What can we look forward to seeing from Yele Stitches in the near future?

You can look forward to seeing more High Fashion pieces that put Africa front and center.

Visit the Yele Stitches website for some amazing styles to add to your closet!


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