Jazz Anderson Shines in Upcoming BET+ Thriller Trope Premiering September 12, 2024

BET+ is set to thrill audiences with the highly anticipated new film Trope, releasing on September 12, 2024. Among the standout performances is actor Jazz Anderson, who takes on the pivotal role of Liz in this gripping thriller. Set during a weekend retreat at a remote cabin, Trope follows three women and two daughters as they are forced to confront a decade-old evil that nearly destroyed them once before. Now, it’s back, and it’s coming for them one by one.

Jazz Anderson, known for her versatility as an actor, delves into her character and the challenges she faced bringing Liz to life. In an exclusive interview with FEMI Magazine, Anderson shared insights on her journey in the film, her connection to the character, and how Trope redefines the “final girls” trope in the horror genre.

What Attracted Jazz Anderson to the Role of Liz?

When asked about what drew her to the role of Liz, Anderson revealed, “Similar to myself, Liz is persistent, strong—both mentally and physically—and a growing young adult who doesn’t let challenges put her in a defeatist mindset. Since I am so similar to Liz, it was easy for me to take on the role and bring it to life because I just imagined myself in those circumstances.”

This personal connection to her character allowed Anderson to deliver an authentic and powerful performance, further amplifying the film’s suspense and emotional depth.

A Fresh Take on the “Final Girls” Trope

In the horror genre, the concept of the “final girl” has been a staple for decades, but Trope seeks to elevate this narrative. Anderson explained how the film’s director, B. Harrison Smith, brings an innovative approach to this familiar theme. “Viewers will be taken on a roller coaster ride trying to figure out who the final girl—or final girls—will be. The plot twists expand on the ‘final girls’ trope we’ve seen in other horror films, but what Smith did with this film is unique, unpredictable, and refreshing.”

The film’s emphasis on black women as protectors of one another is another key element that makes Trope stand out. Anderson shared that “seeing a cast of black women get along and look after each other is what this film most definitely brings to the forefront, which is refreshing to see.”

A Complex Mother-Daughter Dynamic

Central to the storyline is the evolving relationship between Liz and her mother, Tracey, played by Claudia Jordan. Anderson highlighted how Liz’s bravery and role as a truth-seeker shape her interactions with her mother. “Liz is brave and what some would define as a truth-seeker. In order to get past something difficult, you have to stand in front of it, and that’s what Liz does with herself and with her mom.”

This dynamic adds an emotional layer to the film, as it explores how the roles of parent and child often reverse as they face life’s challenges together.

Working with a Seasoned Ensemble Cast

Trope features a strong ensemble cast, including Claudia Jordan, Caryn Ward, and Robert Sisko, whose experience greatly influenced the atmosphere on set. Anderson described the experience of working with them as invaluable: “They’re all seasoned, professional actors and actresses. It was a pleasure for me to be able to learn from them and work with them on set—they were nothing less than welcoming.”

The Eerie Setting of Trope

The film’s isolated setting, a secluded cabin in Agoura Hills, provided the perfect backdrop for building tension and fear. Anderson recalled how the eerie location contributed to the performance: “The film was shot high up in the hills where phone service was out on some filming days. This setting allowed us to actually be scared when it got dark. It went from filming a movie to feeling as if we were actually living in a state of uncertainty and fright.”

This atmospheric setting added an extra layer of realism to the already intense storyline, making it easier for the actors to immerse themselves in the fear and suspense of the film.

Blending Science Fiction with Classic Horror

Trope introduces a unique twist by incorporating elements of scientific experimentation tied to a mysterious billionaire. Anderson hinted at how this storyline ties into the classic horror genre while bringing something new to the table: “You shouldn’t believe everything you see because what if that is scientifically made and artificial as well? What Trope honed in on is the sense of eeriness viewers may feel as they start to question what they already thought they knew.”

Jazz Anderson’s Upcoming Projects

In addition to her role in Trope, Jazz Anderson is also set to appear in Haus of Vicious, premiering on September 19th. Anderson shared her excitement about playing diverse roles in these two projects: “Both characters are strong, loyal, protectors, and hustlers. But one’s hustle is gritty, cutthroat in the streets (Haus of Vicious), whereas the other’s hustle is more about using strategy and skill to get herself out of a detriment and protect her loved ones (Trope).”

With Trope, Jazz Anderson solidifies herself as a force to be reckoned with in the acting world. The film’s complex characters, innovative plot, and intense setting make it a must-watch for horror fans. Be sure to catch Trope on BET+ on September 12, 2024, and prepare for a thrilling ride.

Watch Trailer below.

Credit: BET+

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