Shareza J. Wilkerson Proves that Women Rule the World

Women’s history month may be over, but Shareza J. Wilkerson proves that women rule the world all year around. A wife, life coach, serial entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker, Shareza is taking over the world, and bringing other Black women along with her. She sat down with us to discuss her upbringing, what led her to mentoring, her motivation, and the Diva’s Don’t do Drama Conference.  

Shareza, give us a back story of who you are and how you became the person you are today? 

“SJW is a Wife, Mother, Serial Entrepreneur, Life Coach, Author, Speaker and essentially every woman I feel in each one of us is all of us. Growing up in the inner city and becoming a teen mom, you are often counted out and misunderstood. I wanted to take the road less traveled in addition to sharing my stories of trials, tragedy and triumphs. Having two daughters and seeing them watch me daily contributed to my passion for women and young girls. I was that little girl selling 50 cent candy for a dollar so embracing my entrepreneur skills as an adult was only fitting.”

If you had to live by one quote or mantra to motivate you, what would it be? 

“Our Prime Purpose in life is to help others, and if you cannot help them at least don’t hurt them.”- Dalai Lama  

You are a woman of many roles, which clearly has not stopped you from dominating the business world. What is your motivation, and how do you manage to juggle your everyday life? 

A whole lot of God, prayer and meditation. I must start with “this” in my daily routine. Also surrounding myself around those that want to see me win and succeed. You see, you have to be careful and mindful of your energy and it must be protected at all costs. My husband and daughters are my biggest cheerleaders, and motivation. Balance is the new Black (LOL) and it can also be BS. However, time management is the name of the game and making sure I take time out for myself at least once a month keeps me sane. Helping others is what I love to do and when you love what you do, it never feels like work. 

You are soon hosting Divas Don’t Do Drama: We Do Business Summit in Florida. What are you expecting to share with other women while there? What are your hopes for the summit by the end of the event? 

I want women to leave with a sense of urgency and be willing to not just manifest but execute. Accountability, and Ownership is key and to create the lifestyle we deserve, we must Move on, Move Forward and Move Different. If you want it. Go for it and not allow fear to get in your way. 

For your summit, you are including some amazing moments for women to share their stories and hold a space for women to be authentically themselves. You also have some surprise celebrity guests; talk about who the guests are and why you specifically chose them? 

We do have some amazing women/guest speakers all whom I love and admire in one way or another; trials and triumphs, keen business sense, experts in their field. Not only will they bring value to the summit with their knowledge but also with their transparency. Something we don’t get a lot of nowadays. 

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