Conquering the Beauty World

There are many gains and losses to being an entrepreneur and how you handle them both can determine how far you will go. Being a business owner in 2021 is nothing like it was in 2019 being that in 2020 the world was rocked by a pandemic that shifted everything. Pivoting during the pandemic is something that everyone had to do and do it well. Business owners worldwide had to quickly put a plan in motion for the survival of their businesses and finances.

For Regean Goodman-Marshall the pandemic birthed a whole new idea and business; Blk Nova Beauty. Blk Nova Beauty is a natural skincare line that focuses on enhancing your skin and helps to heal skin conditions. With spring 2021 now here, adding more moisture to the skin should be in your routine.

What are some obstacles and victories that you have experienced while be an entrepreneur?

As an entrepreneur some of obstacles I have faced are self-sabotage, being discouraged by the opposite sex, and lack of resources. With self-sabotage and the discouraging remarks from the opposite sex I had to learn to ignore the negative self -talk and the naysayers. Now when it comes to victories most of the come in the form of feedback from my customers. Being informed that my products have helped women to have a new outlook on life because their self-esteem is restored, and that they now feel makeup is an option rather than a requirement to see themselves as beautiful. For me that is the biggest victory.

As an entrepreneur what does success mean to you?

For me success means leaving generational wealth for my descendants. It also means being able to provide knowledge and resources to black woman who have the desire and drive to be their own boss. Starting out there were not many whom I could turn to and get a straight answer from even when the answer was paid for. I do not ever want there to be a black woman to cross my path in need of guidance for her business to feel that she is alone.

Failure is never an option, have you ever had a moment when you wanted to give up because you were afraid to jump?

Too many times to count. Self-doubt and self-sabotage are always lurking in the corners of your mind when it comes to if you are really cut of for this, is this the right decision, will I lose it all. They plague your mind all the time, but it really comes down to do you really want your business to thrive and grow; if the answer is yes then the leap must be taken.

How important is mental health to an entrepreneur?

It is a top priority. If you do not tend to your mental health your frame of is not in the proper place to maintain your sells, attend to your customers, ensure your books are in order. Everything just falls to pieces because your thoughts are in shambles and doubts begin to creep in. 


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