DeBlair Tate: Black Women & Fitness

DeBlair Tate is a certified celebrity fitness coach as well as a former military instructor and figure competitor. As a BIPOC military training instructor, Tate was nominated for First Sergeant of the Year with the United States Air Force.

We had the pleasure of speaking with Tate about the start of her career and some wellness tips we should follow.

What made you want to be a fitness coach?

The thing that led me to become a fitness coach was my experience and encounters as a personal trainer for over 15 years. During this time as a trainer, people trusted me with their personal goals as well as their life, so I found myself more so mentoring and guiding than actually training. As I became more seasoned as a trainer, I learned that there was way more to being healthy than just looking good- the mental was a huge factor. After so long, I also began wanting to shy away from actually physically training people to gain more time and freedom for myself and focus more on my life’s priorities but I still wanted to have an impact on people to keep my foot in the game so I transitioned into being a coach. In turn, I also began entertaining the business side of things and as a result, created my fitness apparel brand, 8Figured. Being a coach has allowed me to raise this brand and still guide and assist people with their health and fitness goals.

How has your career impacted your life?

This journey has definitely been a struggle. The hardest part of it all was trying to achieve a work-family life balance. I struggled to balance my career, extra-curricular, and personal life for a long time. I can’t even say today that I have it all together, but my priorities are much better aligned. I was always the one that wanted to support everyone and participate in everything. I valued my clients and the organizations I was a part of, so it was important for me to share in the things that were important to them. That sometimes meant neglecting self-care. I was always sleep-deprived and exhausted, but I found energy in knowing that I was able to support the ones that supported me- which was not healthy at all to my body. The younger mind took a lot for granted. Saying no was not in my vocabulary. I had to learn through my experiences how important it was to make an effort to provide myself the opportunity for balance and downtime. I also learned how important it was to create boundaries between my work, extra-curricular, and family. That meant determining where my priorities should lie. With clear boundaries, it made things easier. My health was no longer a factor, and my family no longer had to ask where I was. Moving too fast and taking life for granted is something that definitely can catch you off guard, especially as a career worker and business owner.

What are three wellness tips you live by?

 I live by many wellness tips but the 3 that are most important are:

One: Practice self-care- always make time to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually and find things to be grateful for in your life every day

Two: Along with your body, make efforts to stimulate and strengthen your brain as you age

Three: Continue to work on eating healthily; vigilance will always be needed to be successful

What separates military training from regular training?

Military training is distinguished from regular training by its emphasis on discipline, just-in-case preparation, and the training of collectives. With military training, we prepare to enter into harm’s way and perform physically and mentally challenging tasks at the maximum possible levels of proficiency. This requirement is the defining characteristic of military training and it can mean the difference between life and death.

What can we expect to look forward to in the future?

You can expect DeBlairFitness to continue coaching and growing the 8Figured Brand,, IG: @8Figured. We have several different products and ideas in the pipeline so continue to be on the lookout.

What are some quick exercise routines you can do daily at home to stay in shape while not at the gym?

I post weekly workouts on my IG page, @deblairfitness. One of the quick routines I posted last week was a morning quickie- 100 crunches-100 full situps-100 leg raises-100 bicycle crunches -100 pelvic tilts and:60 plank holds. It doesn’t take much to work up a good sweat so something this quick can be very beneficial to your overall health and fitness lifestyle.  

DeBlair is a phenomenal woman and for those she encounters, she wants them to reach a place of wholeness in mind, body, and soul.

Make sure you follow DeBlair on Instagram @deblairfitness and keep up with her!

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