Dr. Cynthia M. Wesley Helps Women Gain Confidence To Talk About Intimate Skin

November is National Healthy Skin Month!

Not only is your skin your body’s largest organ, but it also reveals much about your overall health. One doctor is helping women gain confidence to talk about intimate skin or “The Skin Down There.”

It can be a sensitive topic for many women to discuss their intimate health with others. Fear of the unknown can arise when noticing changes from the first menstrual cycle to after childbirth. However, vaginal health is crucial to women’s overall health, and we should not shy away from discussing it. It is essential to feel comfortable asking questions and learning how everyday things such as food, soap, and undergarments can impact our intimate health. We should feel safe opening up and discussing this topic with our OBGYN or other trusted healthcare professionals.

So it’s truly amazing to discover phenomenal women in health care creating safe spaces for women’s health.

Dr. Cynthia M. Wesley

Dr. Cynthia M. Wesley is an OBGYN who is certified by the board and has over two decades of experience in educating women about the best practices for maintaining optimal vaginal health and treating conditions that can affect it. She completed her undergraduate degree, medical school, and residency training in obstetrics and gynecology at West Virginia University. As a national speaker, a vulvar skin specialist, and the founder and CEO of Beauty Below, a product line focused on intimate wellness and beauty for dark skin, she uses her passion and expertise to excel in her field. Additionally, she is an author affectionately and respectfully referred to as “Dr. Cyn” by her patients. Dr. Wesley currently resides in North Carolina. 

Dr. Cynthia has recently released a book that dives deep into this delicate discussion.

In Beauty Below: A Guide to Intimate Wellness and Beauty for Dark Skin I leave no topic uncovered. I help you to understand and maximize the skincare of the Private Face with a special focus on the unique characteristics of dark skin. Discover the secrets to the Beauty Below Formula, including healthy hygiene habits, recognition and treatment of common conditions of the female genitalia, and the key to Black vagina confidence. Hang on to this book as your educational reference guide for managing wellness down there through various phases and conditions.

-Dr. Cynthia M.Wesley

It is important for black women to confidently address the topic of vaginal health without feeling ashamed or fearful. Educating oneself about their body is key to achieving this. Dr. Cynthia has created a safe space for women of color to discuss intimate matters without hesitation and encourages them to embrace their voices and speak up.

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