Aisha Del Rosario Talks Life Lessons, Being a Mother, and Relaunching Her Podcast

Aisha Del Rosario is a corporate recruiter and rising TV personality in Atlanta. She’s the co-star of TV One’s, Asking For a Friend, hosted by Lisa Raye. Aisha’s journey from becoming a mother at 16 to her career in the entertainment industry has taught her valuable life lessons, leading her to launch the podcast “HonesTEA with According2Aisha.” Through this platform, she aims to create a community dedicated to healing, personal growth, and finding love. As an advocate for mental health, Aisha seeks to provide a safe space for discussing trauma and parenting. The podcast is set for relaunch on multiple social media platforms, including PLUStv on the “ROKU” platform.

How did you become involved in the TV One series “Asking for a Friend”? Can you share your journey from a corporate recruiter to a rising TV personality?

 I became involved with the show after applying for a few dating shows and somehow ending up on a Casting Director’s algorithm on social media and someone reached out to me about the opportunity. I had auditioned for a few previously and they had not panned out. After being contacted for an interview, I agreed to do a cast audition with my work buddy, a fellow recruiter. It just made sense that we use our recruiting skills to find ourselves partners!

Before your acting debut and early career, you worked at Elektra Records as an Executive Assistant and at Sony. What life lessons did you learn that still apply to you today? 

I learned that relationship-building is the cornerstone of everything. Who you know and how you cultivate those relationships can change the direction of your life in an instant. That lesson became true when I embarked on my career as a Recruiter. My job is to build relationships with people. And from the beginning of time, every opportunity I’ve had or provided was from a relationship I built albeit intentionally or unintentionally.

In “Asking for a Friend,” the focus is on dating in Atlanta. Can you provide some insights into the dating scene in the city and any unique challenges or experiences you encountered during filming? 

Dating in Atlanta is unique because many people my age are already married or in committed relationships. There are so many successful and beautiful women that the few men who are single have more options than they can handle therefore making them choose no one. It’s a vibrant City for the younger man or woman to me. I also feel like because Atlanta has so many sub-cities, you have to make a concerted effort to be “outside” to be in the running. And someone like me will find it hard to be in multiple places at one time. So, ratio, age dynamics, and city landscape make it really hard to find that person.

With the relaunch of your podcast “HonesTea with According2Aisha,” what topics do you plan to cover and what can listeners expect from your show? How does it complement your work on “Asking for a Friend”? 

The relaunch is dedicated to relationships within different aspects of one’s life. I am committed to exploring what relationships with co-workers, employers, family, community, money, and self – look like and how it affects the quality of one’s life. While the world has put so much emphasis on romantic relationships, I believe the other relationships we have are just as important if not more. Listeners should expect to have “ah-ha” moments, laugh, cry, and hopefully take to the dinner table for more intimate conversations with the people that matter the most. The show compliments my work on “Asking for a Friend” in several ways. One, it showcases my sincere perspective on relationships and what it means to me. Two, my listeners get to see a more intellectual and vulnerable side of me they wouldn’t otherwise see in a dating situation. And lastly, my listeners can possibly learn and apply what they hear on my show. It would be amazing if someone saw my debut on “Asking for a Friend” and my podcast show and sent me some possible life partners.

What made you get into podcasting, and do you have any other business adventures you’re working on?

I got into podcasting initially as a healing mechanism. I knew I had things I had to get off my chest and I also knew there were people like me who could relate to my content. I wanted someone to pick up what I was putting down essentially. Podcasting gave me that platform. I have a television network PLUSTV in development, a premier dating app that is on a soft launch. I am looking for angel investors at this time.

Was “Asking For a Friend” your last reality TV show, or do you plan on appearing in some others? 

Yes, AFAF was the last TV show I filmed. I do plan on making some other appearances. I have been applying for some shows where I can be on for a season rather than an episode. I may even venture away from the dating casts and look at some business shows to showcase my other talents and desires. Although I am ready willing and able to be in love, I am also a very business-savvy woman with quite an impressive portfolio of business ventures. 

Be sure to watch Aisha Del Rosario on TV One’s Asking for a Friend.

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