Home is where the heart is and self-care fuels our hearts, minds and lives. Many miss opportunities to take care of themselves. I know I’m often guilty of this. However, I realized that I can’t properly parent, be a good relative or supportive friend if my cup is empty. Some may look at self-care as time consuming or unnecessary but it’s fairly simple.
When considering self-care think about things, places or opportunities that:
- Allow you to express yourself. Whether it’s painting, drawing, singing or more; express your creativity.
- Allow you to think openly. Reflection is key. Engage in journaling or reading to get your thoughts flowing.
- Allow you to relax and unwind. Unplug, unwind and enjoy some peace. I understand that this can happen in as little as 30 minutes but it’s still needed.
- Allow for movement. If you have to get in the car and drive somewhere or engage in some yoga; get your body moving.
Don’t overthink these opportunities. Allow yourself time to plan for your self-care. Whether you need a sitter or to do something while the kids are asleep, self-care can’t be missed. Make the appropriate time. Establish guidelines with your loved ones so that they know upfront, “Look! This is my ‘me’ time.” Don’t feel bad for it either. Many people don’t think twice about their self-care and it shows.
Still don’t get it? Well here are some major ways in which self-care is helpful to our bodies and lives:
- It Relieves Stress
- It Improves our Immunity and Physical Health
- Increases Positive Thinking
- Reminds Us and Others that our Needs are Important
- Establishes a Positive Work-Life Balance
- Builds Connections in the Community
So now are you convinced? I hope so. Make time for yourself and see the fruits of your labor. Enjoy having a clear mind, better health and a more positive version of you.
Writer, C. Scott, is a mother of one; author, social worker, early literacy interventionist and entrepreneur. Follow her on Instagram as @curls_coils and @mysweettealife.
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