I’m Introverted and Ready to Date

As an introvert, dating and having a relationship has often run through my mind since being stuck in the house. I often talk to my good girlfriends about it, and of course, they tell me the same old advice. “Go out there, come out of your shell.” 

And my answer is I love you guys, but it’s not that easy. Seriously it isn’t that easy. 

I am an over-thinker and even an observer; I often feel I know I precisely can’t do the whole dating scenario. It’s; only it’s not like I don’t have that experience but, bottom line I’m shy, reticent, and people somewhat scares me. 

I know like millions of other introverts walking around in this galaxy, trying to figure out the dating world can be a whole headache. If you’re an introvert, you may be able to relate but, if not, keep reading. As an introvert, I’ve never fallen in love, but I’ve fallen in love firmly but nervous to say whom I had feelings for.

 As you may see, the rejection I’m not ready for.

However, We as Introverts “WE LOOOOVE” one–on–one interaction minus large groups; we need loneliness to renew and recover some drive. We find some small and logical conversations that may come as difficult and sometimes unpleasant and uncomfortable. But, Fer not, dating introverts is still possible as my good girlfriends would encourage me, I’m still not listening. I’m in denial, to be honest. 

I do come to realize that there’s still much prejudgement and misunderstanding of being an introvert does take a lot to explain. Just stating I much rather watch a sitcom and then go to a party or stating your truth and saying small talk makes you nervous, but you love intellectual conversation. I would say that it is easier to understand. 

1. Make a plan  

Pick something that makes you very comfortable and the person you are interested in entertaining, like the movie theatre or show. But always keep in mind, are you looking for a connection or someone you want to have a hangout session with at your place? Just think about, might be the happiest introvert yet. 

2. Pick the correct place to date 

Consider your activity to eat, visit an art museum, seeing a movie, or a show going to a sporting event. This may cause a side by side conversation that will flow stress- free and easy for the boy of you, rather than a restaurant where a face to face conversation can be filled with anxiety and nervousness. Plus, doing an activity that you both enjoy, especially, will give you something to talk about even share a memory. 

3. Know you’re not the weird one in this 

Please don’t overthink this, and you can do this after. Even after the conversation and the date is over. No matter how comfortable you may feel about talking to strangers or not., dating is very different because the stakes are higher and permanent. Do yourself a favor please breathe and try to have fun instead. It’s okay. 

4. Date as much as you can handle. 

Please hear me out. And breathe.  The success of living as a successful and content introvert means being able to breathe and learn to cope with your energy. It’s essential. That involves deciding whom you want to talk to, where you want to go, and learning to be direct even if it makes you uncomfortable. Such as Where you are going to be times, where you can take your liveliness, and have a plan from to make your decision work for you and only you.  

And last but not least, don’t give up. You’ll find your person, just live your life and they will show up, and yes, it will be a shock!

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