New Author, Ralph Carmichael II Releases New Book Discussing What They Never Taught You in School About Your Finances!

Let’s be honest, we all are seeking out ways to be successful financially, and often times we are learning the hard way how to manage our money and how to stay afloat in an economy that is forever changing. You often will hear many of your successful entrepreneurs and Celebs attest that they were not born with a silver spoon so that meant trying to figure things out on our own. For many of us in the black communities, being raised in survival mode meant just finishing school and getting a job so we can eat, pay our bills, and keep a roof over our heads. We were not always taught how to build credit, manage it, or even how to start our own businesses. So that often led to large amounts of debt with often no real knowledge of how to get out of it. So what happens when you find out that all of that can change for you? What happens when you find out that you do not have to keep living from paycheck to paycheck and watching Reality TV hoping to one day be successful? Well FEMI has gone out and found you some motivation and it’s coming through a young black male author who has walked the same path as you and made it!

Ralph Carmichael II, a native of Mobile Alabama has built a very successful career for himself in business at only the age of 37. After graduating from Murphy High School, he is a graduate of the University of South Alabama with a Master’s in Educational Administration as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management, and a double Bachelor’s Degree in Public Relations, and Advertising. He is also a member of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Incorporated.

We had the pleasure to briefly catch up with Ralph Carmichael II who is a very busy man and briefly ask him a couple of questions.

So what made you write your book, Money Matters and Financial Education?

The simplest and shortest answer is that I feel I have too much knowledge to keep to myself and I hope it helps people achieve their goals like all of those I mentored in the past. Now the public will have access to those very same tools.

At what age would you say that you started experiencing the same financial success that you share information about in your book?

The very first time around, I was about 19 or 20 making about 30K a month. I had an S430 silver Mercedes-Benz and a nice house in the West Mobile area of town. This was all prior to my life falling apart as I speak briefly about in the book. The main thing I wanted people to understand is that you have to have the right foundation or you can’t build.

You spoke earlier about things falling apart in your life at one time, since then you now have the right foundation, so how would you explain your foundation today and what three words would you use to describe life today?

My foundation now is built for longevity and perpetual wealth. My foundation allows me to do whatever I want but the larger percentage focuses on endeavors that bring in more money, more net worth, and more assets for generations to come so it’s ever-growing. Three words to describe it all, I don’t know lol…generational, progressive, and essential.

Ralph has proven to many that what you dream about can easily become a reality if you have the right foundation and the tools to accomplish those things. It’s always such a pleasure to meet young black men who are effectively changing the narrative on the typical stereotypes that our black men receive in society. No, not all of our black men are limited to being successful financially through only selling drugs, playing sports, or becoming a Rapper.

He is one of many that you can follow as an example of how to change the narrative and achieve any goals you have in life. So what if you did not start out with a silver spoon, you now have the power tool at your hand to change your life and in Ralph Carmichael’s new book, Money Matters and Financial Education, you will be able to change your life and break generational curses! Make sure to order your copy and make 2023 the last year you spend in lack on how to accomplish your financial goals. Do it not only for your family but for yourself!

Remember, Proverbs 14:23 (NIV) says that “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.”

Be sure to follow Author/Entrepreneur Ralph Carmichael II on Facebook and Instagram.

All images credit: Ralph Carmichael II, Facebook
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