Impacting Lives On and Off the Air with Taji De Souza

New York City based radio personality and fashion guru, Taji De Souza, is making her pivot for success.  This entrepreneur is not letting the pandemic slow her down at all.  “My interviews went from being in the studio to in the comfort of our own homes via Zoom Communications, Instagram Live, Facebook Live, or Skype,” says Taji.  But she didn’t stop there with her on-air radio life.  “I was also able to produce a few Virtual Fashion Shows via Zoom Communications, Facebook, and YouTube,” continues De Souza.  Her market for success exceeds her radio persona.  

Although her radio career helps to build connections, she is also branching out to her businesses of Fashion Coffee and U-Game.  While hosting is her go-to love, she is also capitalizing on various ways to support others.  However, juggling these numerous brands may be challenging at times.  “I use three calendars for time management. Plan A -cell phone calendar; Plan B -calendar book; and Plan C -wall calendar,” says Taji when speaking of her time management skills. 

In addition to her time management Taji often encourages other entrepreneurs using her motto, E.E.M.  “The meaning behind EEM is “Everything Else Magnificent”. Entrepreneurs work extremely hard to grow their brand and gain recognition,” explains Taji.  Her uplifting montra is an inspiration.  “I cater to upcoming, aspiring, emerging artists, which are not limited to fashion, music, comedy, poetry, etc. These artists deserve to be in the spotlight. They are all truly magnificent beings and should be treated as such. Celebrities are already there,” states Taji.  

She is truly impacting the community to express that dreams are possible despite your race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and more. Let your dreams be magnificent and fashionable!  To connect with Taji De Souza please follow her on social media as @livewithtaji, @fashion_coffee_, and also @_ugame_.  Visit her website at

 Writer, C. Scott, is a mother of one; author, social worker, early literacy interventionist and entrepreneur.

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