Dr. Conte M. Terrell Has Helped Hundreds of Women Experiencing Domestic Violence!

Houston Woman Has Helped Hundreds of Women Experiencing Domestic Violence The Past 25 Years By Helping Them To Heal!

For National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we chatted with Dr. Conte M.Terrell, one of the nation’s most sought-after experts in Family Violence and Healthy Relationships, an international Best-Selling Published Author and Speaker. She is an ordained minister and has ministered at a Houston Mega Church with over 20 thousand members. 

After escaping a 10-year marriage to a physically abusive ex-spouse, she left a professional modeling and acting career, sold her two nail salons, and started Fresh Spirit Wellness for Women, Inc. a nonprofit organization assisting domestic violence survivors and families affected by the crisis to help them Reclaim their Power.

Since then, Dr. Conte amassed a Doctoral degree in counseling, became an empowerment life coach, and trauma coach authored 5 books, and opened Dr. Conte’s Healing House.

Hi Dr. Conte, when and how did you start helping women dealing with domestic violence?

I started Fresh Spirit Wellness for Women in 1997. We just celebrated 25 years. I just began speaking up about my own experience and started just a small support group originally at my church for others to voice their truth and God had a bigger plan and trend it into all that it is today.

Why did you start Fresh Spirit Wellness for Women?

After escaping an emotionally and physically abusive spouse, I started Fresh Spirit because at the time it was hard for me to find the support needed for protection. I knew there had to be other women like myself. I had a place to stay, family support, and resources I could use, but I didn’t have anyone to talk to that could understand what I had been through. I needed information on how to be safe, protection orders, a new start in life A new mind frame. I needed a whole new fresh spirit. In my journey of renewing my mind, body, and soul, I wanted to give back and help those who also needed a fresh spirit to continue their journey to being whole and safe.

I see you have written 5 books. Do you have one that resonates with you the most? If so, please give us an overview of it.

I recently released a new book, Sis to Sis, It’s Time to “Queen Up”. I would say that book is the one that resonates with me the most at this present time. In my field of work, as an expert domestic violence counselor and success coach, I often teach and remind my clients that they are the prize. Life can have curveballs in our relationships, our jobs, and other aspects of our lives, but if we do the work, mentally, physically, and spiritually within ourselves, we will be able to conduct ourselves in a manner that resonates with Queendom qualities. And it will also reflect in the way we treat others and how they in return treat us.

Why is it important to tell your story and give back to other women who are in these domestic violence situations?

Telling my story allows others who are in similar situations to see that they too can walk away, not look back and still be successful. It’s important that I give also because you never know whose life can be saved or changed for the better and end domestic violence. I want to be the light in someone’s darkness and let them know not to give up. It may be hard, it may be scary, and they may not have anything tangible to their name, but there is hope. Fresh Spirit Wellness for Women Inc. is here to help guide and provide the resources they need on their healing journey.

Why do you feel it’s so difficult for women in these situations to leave?

There are many reasons that make it difficult for not only women to leave, but men as well. Many times, they do not realize they are being abused. Physical abuse is what the majority of people know to be domestic violence, but it is more than that. Financial abuse is when the other person controls all the money. They may use intimidation and threatening gestures to scare them into staying. There is emotional abuse. Bruises can heal, but emotional scars can last a lifetime and cripple a person from leaving because they have been brainwashed and/or emotionally broken to even try to leave. It’s also difficult for women and men to leave abusive situations because they have been isolated from their families and others who may have been able to assist them with leaving. Abusers keep you away from others because they want you to only depend on them. An abused person begins to feel as if they have no one, and that’s exactly what abusers want them to feel. Abusers may use kids to manipulate the victim or attempt to turn them against the victim. Abusers also abuse the kids just to get back at the victim. So, in order for the kids to stay out of the path of harm, a woman or man may decide to stay. Lastly, another reason people often stay is because of their religious beliefs. They fear being ostracized by their church and peers.

What would you say to women out there who need help but are afraid to seek it?

I would tell them, it doesn’t get better, only worse. There are organizations out here that can help you start over. It’s better to get away than to have your life taken away. Also, it is very important to get with an organization that can create a safety plan before trying to leave so that you can have the tools to be safe as possible when trying to leave. This is the most dangerous time, approximately 75% of women who are killed by their batters, are murdered when attempt to leave or have left an abusive relationship.

You have garnered so many awards for your work. Is there anything else you would like our readers to know about your work and mission?

Although I am truly blessed by all of the awards and accolades for the work that I do and have done in the crisis of Domestic Violence, it is important for people to know that this is truly my life’s work, passion, and purpose and I take the mission of turning others pain and hurt from DV into healing, very seriously.

Thank you for all that you do. Where can we follow you and your organization?

You can follow me on all social media outlets at @DrConteTerrell.

You can also go to: www.freshspirit.org | www.drcontespeaks.com

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