Demond Crump: Reigning Supreme 

As a woman, I know exactly what it is to be in need during “that time of the month”. To feel overwhelmed with having to deal with all that comes along with your monthly cycle, and still have to function “normally” throughout your day.

I also know what it is to feel misunderstood every now and then, due to those very pressures. It can be a lot. On top of that, if you’re like me, you’ve educated yourself over the years and refuse to put just anything on or within your body. Especially when dealing with your lady parts. As cliche as it may sound, my body is a temple, and I will try my hardest to treat it as such. It’s even stated in the Bible. So while I may not be perfect, I believe in treating this temple with care. Speaking of care, it can be confusing which products to actually use. There are so many out there claiming to be the best, and/or most natural. It can be a hard choice to make. So when I started seeing all of these videos circulating from a company claiming that they could not only help in that department but possibly help lift some of the many burdens during “that time of the month”, it truly was a relief. I was in the middle of researching the company and was excited to chat with Demond Crump, the Owner, and CEO of Reign Sanitary Napkins.

Not only was I able to conduct the interview but I was also blessed with samples of all of their sanitary products. All I could think was “Look at God!” 

While using the products I noticed that I felt fresher for longer periods of time (no pun intended lol). I also felt like my cramps were less intense. I felt drier for longer. Dry in a good way. I also love the fact that the products are priced to be what is, in my opinion, affordable.

This shows me that the company cares, and isn’t just in it for the money. This may be TMI, but I go through so many pads a month. This is because, besides the times when my flow is super heavy and I have to change very frequently, I also have to change my pad and liner every single time I use the bathroom. No matter how close the back-to-back timing is. Now I know what you’re thinking, “doesn’t every woman do that?”, believe it or not, no. I have heard women say that they go for up to 5 or more hours with the same sanitary napkin. Unless I’m sleeping or traveling, I can’t say that I have done that. Long story short, it’s expensive. Especially when buying organic or high-quality products.

I felt that Reign Sanitary Napkins gave me relief, and I can actually say that what Reign says about its products seems to be completely true. I am no Scientist. I’m not a Doctor, but I know my body. I can say that I was pleased with the products. It’s safe to say that I look forward to seeing the changes that come from becoming a loyal customer of Reign Sanitary Napkins. Now that my product review is over lol, let’s get into this super informative interview with the man himself, Demond Crump!

FEMI STAFF (Tyrane Hughes):  First off, please tell us about yourself.

Demond Crump: “I am a proud U.S. Veteran, and I have been a serial entrepreneur since 1994. After years of proven success in my own businesses, I became a consultant and trainer in direct sales in 2006. Since then, I’ve been able to help scale and grow multiple businesses from ideation. In 2019, my family and I started Jewel Sanitary Napkins LLC, the parent company for Reign Sanitary Napkins, where I serve as Owner and CEO. Reign has grown tremendously in a very short time and is currently on track to reach our first major revenue milestone of $100 million annually! Above all of the titles and accolades that the world has bestowed upon me, I am a loving Father, Husband, and Mentor who desires to break generational curses and achieve wealth, so that others aspiring to reach similar goals understand that nothing is unattainable when you have a plan and a support system that works just as hard as you do.” 

FEMI STAFF (Ty Hughes): “Before we get into the details of your groundbreaking product, I want to talk about the motivation behind the product. Can you tell us about how Reign Sanitary Napkins came about?” 

Demond Crump: “My wife, Qiana, experienced a terrible reproductive health issue where doctors recommended that she undergo surgery that would require a partial hysterectomy. The heavy bleeding that she was left with after the procedure caused me to seek a prototype sanitary pad that surpassed the absorbency of anything we were able to find in Big Box stores. The prototype cost me $6 to produce and about a year to bring to market. Our consumers all over the world swear by our triple absorbency and have shared sentiments of it being like nothing they’ve experienced before.”

FEMI STAFF (Ty Hughes): “Tell us about the science behind Reign Sanitary Napkins, and how they are literally changing the lives of hundreds of thousands of women across the country.”

Demond Crump: “Our products contain eight layers of science-backed non-toxic fabric; with our third layer having been crowned by consumers as the most popular layer to date. The 3rd layer of Reign is an Innovative design that offers a Nobel Prize Winning material “Graphene” infused strip. The infused Graphene strip provides various health benefits to potentially help with circulatory health, cell activity, and metabolic health. In addition, it helps inhibit harmful bacteria growth.” 

FEMI STAFF (Ty Hughes): “I want to congratulate you and your family on the success of your brand. How does it feel to actually see everything that you have worked for and towards come into fruition?”

Demond Crump: “A successful business requires one thing… Passion! I have always been a man who is passionate about family, and it is a bonus that we reap the benefits of hard work and success as a family. A six-dollar prototype not only aided the well-being of my wife but now serves as a leading contributor to hundreds of women’s relationships with period health and the use of non-toxic products across the globe. It is a blessing to be a blessing and to have reached the amount of success that our family has in such a short amount of time. We look forward to the continuous growth that will come as a result of having a team that is a reflection of the work that we are doing, and will continue to do for years to come.”

FEMI STAFF (Ty Hughes): “Aside from congratulating you, I would like to say that you are appreciated for what you have done. The amount of action, attentiveness, care, and precision that you exemplify is amazing. Can you explain the importance of a man’s focus on his family and the needs of the women in his life?”

Demond Crump: “When young men are not educated on the menstrual cycle or looped into discussions on women’s reproductive health, they grow up to become adult men who are not supportive of women during “that time of the month”. They create memes that paint women as “crazy” or hard to deal with when in fact, a woman having a period is the only reason they exist today. It is important that men educate themselves on the menstrual cycle so that they grow to become emotionally supportive partners, fathers, and friends for women… especially during that time of the month.

Some people may be confused that a man helped to spearhead an emerging non-toxic sanitary napkin company, while others will see a devoted father and husband who desired to create a high-quality product that supported the various needs of the women in his life including heightened absorbency and breathability. Our products serve as a constant reminder that when a woman feels good, she exudes confidence effortlessly. Reign empowers women by supporting their needs both on and off of their cycle.”

FEMI STAFF (Ty Hughes): “Generational wealth is something that isn’t spoken about as much as it should be in our households and communities. Can you touch a little on the subject of generational wealth?”

Demond Crump: “Wealth is unequally distributed across the United States. Diverse households have a fraction of the wealth as their counterparts, leaving them in a much more precarious financial situation when a crisis strikes and with fewer economic opportunities. Wealth allows households to weather a financial emergency such as an unexpected layoff or a family member’s illness. In more recent years, conversations around wealth have become popular because of the obvious freedom it provides.

Having financial conversations early with your children can lead to better decision-making around money, and help them avoid making many of the same financial mistakes we did growing up. An early understanding of money and building a healthy relationship with money leads to generational wealth; a wealth that extends past the present and into the future. This should be the goal for those in business for the long haul. This same conversation is the essence of why we’ve partnered to develop the E3 Summit that will be held in Atlanta, Georgia on October 1st. For more information visit”

FEMI STAFF (Ty Hughes): “What is next for Reign Sanitary Napkins, and what are some things that you would like to see come about for your brand?”

Demond Crump: “We will continue to create industry-leading products that are inspired by our consumers’ needs. At Reign, we listen and then respond and we look forward to expanding our product line and building our community through the various channels that we utilize. We have a goal of becoming a billion-dollar company in the next 5 years and look forward to reaching that goal so that we can share it with your audience.” 

After using Reign Sanitary Napkins and interviewing Mr. Demond Crump, I can definitely say that becoming a “billion-dollar company” within the next 5 years is a reachable goal. Mr. Crump is dedicated to his family and provides quality products for the women in his family. Him being a blessing to them has caused women all over (including myself) to be blessed. So thank you Mr. Crump for passing on your blessings to women all over. I am rooting for Reign Sanitary Napkins, and I can’t wait to see what comes next. You can keep up with Reign Sanitary Napkins here: 

Instagram: @reignpads


All images courtesy of Reign Sanitary Napkins.

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