Meet Author T.H. Moore

T.H Moore, an Omega Psi Phi Fraternity brother, Tech Consultant, Real Estate Investor and Author. 

Growing up in the 80s he discovered his love of computers thanks to his hard working mother. As he grew so did his interests which lead him on his travels. Traveling and interacting with the  different people he met on different walks of life inspired his novel writing. He is a man of Righteous Morals and cares deeply for the rise and elevation of his community.

   Your book trailer was the first time I ever watched a trailer for a book, very impressive. What inspired you to do the book trailer?

       Thank you! I’m so happy the trailer has been so well received. I’ve always been a connoisseur of cinema. Had I not been drawn to technology as my profession at such a young age I would have definitely studied cinema or attended a film school as an undergrad.

 When it was time to promote my newest book, “I AM…”, I thought to myself, everyone loves movie trailers. So, it only made sense to me to make one for a book. Plus, my writing style is extremely descriptive. When I write a new story I literally close my eyes when I’m at my keyboard and type whatever scenes I see in my mind.

  Being a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., what would you say is your most knowledgeable lesson you learned in this Fraternity?

    Humility. As I’ve navigated life, I developed a tunnel vision working style. It’s borderline obsessive. At an early age life taught me that if you put your head down and do the work, you’ll see the benefits of that hard work. My fraternity taught me that everything comes in its due time and there are some goals outside of our control.

 Sometimes God or the universe has a divine plan for you. Now, that doesn’t mean becoming complacent, you still must work hard towards your goals. It just took me a few hard life experiences to realize when something is meant for you, you will receive that blessing when it’s meant for you. There are higher powers at play determining if you’re ready or even worthy to receive those blessings. In short, you can’t force yourself on the blessing’s life has for you. Including Omega.

 Omega, much like a woman chooses who deserves her. My job was to be ready when she did call.

   During your travels in the United Kingdom what’s your worst and best memorable experiences?

My worst experience is as vivid today as when it first happened. I spent 10 months in Leeds, a college city about 2 hours north of London. There were two clubs that played Hip-Hop, RnB. I attended regularly on Friday nights to celebrate the end of the work week. Saturday nights were reserved for electronic music and I’m not a fan. I knew the bouncers; the bartenders and they knew me as the tall American visiting their city for work.  

 One extremely boring weekend I decided to go out on a Saturday night and have a few drinks to just get out of my flat. When I took my place in line one of the bouncers I knew walked up to me and said, “not tonight, mate.” He saw the surprise on my face and in his mind pulled me to the side as a courtesy and said “Look mate, I know you’re cool and we never have a problem with you but if I let you in tonight, I’ll lose my job. Saturday nights we have a quota of how many blacks we can let in, and you got here too late.” I thought it was a bad joke, so I went around the corner to the other club I frequented and one of the bouncers I knew there said the same thing to me. I never went back there again. My most memorable was leaving that country where the ancestors of racist Americans were originally spawned.

  Your Newest Book “I Am” what was your inspiration to write it and what does “I Am” mean to you?

          I was inspired to write “I AM…” after there was a systemic pattern of news coverage highlighting police murders of unarmed citizens. I found my anger growing weekly with every new face that looked like mine and the hashtags that followed. I thought to myself if someone like me with a naturally reserved personality is being triggered, I could only imagine how others in the culture were feeling. In my community we knew these murders were happening but now with social media and smart phones the country had a front row seat to our American experience of being preyed upon by some law enforcement officers.

So, I wrote “I AM…” as a literary warning to America. That warning was, America is currently on a wicked trajectory in terms of our race relations, and I felt the need to instigate this unsettling yet overdue conversation. We need this uncomfortable conversation because continuing to willfully ignore it is equivalent to a seaboard state ignoring the fury of an oncoming hurricane barreling towards its shores. And I don’t want to see this country fail. Fail meaning, civil war.

   How do you feel about books on the big screen and what actors, or actresses would you choose? 

          Trying to compress the details of a several hundred-page book into 2-3 hours of cinema is a tall order. Most readers prefer the book’s version of a story to its movie adaptation. However, having one of my novels represented on the big screen is my life’s final bucket list accomplishment. So, yes I’ve imagined what story I’d choose to produce and what actors/actresses I’d cast to play my main characters. 

All my stories have two main characters, so my readers have multiple storylines to follow so here is my wish list for my books:

 “The End Justifies the Means”:

Kevin: Idris Elba

Jalen: Michael B. Jordan

“The Devil’s Whisper”:

Charles: Christoph Waltz

Elaina: Jennifer Lopez

“I AM”:

Sandy: Zendaya Coleman

Xavier: John David Washington

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