Meet The Real Money Coach Tony Jackson

Tony Jackson, “The Real Money Coach.” is a highly successful financial expert responsible for helping countless families to lay the foundation for generational wealth, tackling issues like saving, investing, retirement, estate planning, wills, and the list goes on! His clientele consists of high-profile businessmen and women, as well as everyday men and women who want to set themselves up for financial success.

Tony is a devoted husband and father from Muskegon, Michigan who now calls Charlotte, NC home. Tony says” I am a subject matter expert and an author known as The Real Money Coach, who has been in the space of financial advising and coaching for twenty-five years. Tony considers that his ministry, and would like to educate and empower as many people as possible to live their best, most stress-free lives by helping to get a firm grasp on their finances.

Tony Jackson

Why did you decide to get into your field of expertise?

I was inspired to do what I do by witnessing what my parents went through. Growing up, I saw my parents work extremely hard to provide for the family. However, due to their lack of understanding about money, when my mother passed, we had nothing in place. She had six life insurance policies and none of them were able to cover the cost of her funeral. My dad had to borrow against his home to cover the cost while living off of workers comp and social security. I knew that I did not want that cycle to repeat itself in my life. My upbringing from a financial standpoint was similar to that of many people, especially those who look like me. Therefore, I have made it my mission to not only educate myself as much as possible about money but to commit myself to teach others so they can avoid those same pitfalls.

Tell us about your Book, “Increase, Protect, and Dominate Your Money”.

My book shares important information and success strategies for accumulating wealth, protecting it, and using your money effectively in order to achieve your goals. Readers will learn about saving, debt reduction, retirement and asset planning, wills, and a variety of other things that will empower them and their families to live a better financial future.

Explain the importance of financial awareness in the black community.

Financial awareness in the black community is vital for us to close the racial wealth gap. If we are not aware of where we are, what we have been through, and what is available, it will be harder to close that gap. We already know that unless something changes, it would take us more than 200 years to catch up to our white counterparts as far as wealth and wealth building. In many cases, we are moving in the wrong direction. We need to be aware of and implement those things.

I was told that you would like to share some of your secrets in your book, can you elaborate on that?

One of those secrets is utilizing fixed index strategies to maximize growth according to the stock market while also minimizing the potential losses. On one hand, we grow the account according to the stock market, on the other side of it, we protect the principal and any previous years’ gains. This is one of the major strategies that can allow people to grow more wealth over the long term than what people have traditionally done.

Also, I share information about taxes – putting yourself in a position where you minimize the taxes that you are paying legally. You want to pay the minimum. Most financial advisors don’t touch on those two things; minimizing stock market loss and reducing taxable income in retirement years. I want to make sure that people have that information.

What do you wish to see come from your mission of helping black families to become financially educated, and build wealth?

I want to see that we have more generational wealth passed down from one generation to the next. That is ultimately the goal so that when our children and our children’s children start off their financial journeys, they start off ahead of the game instead of behind the game. I like to use this track meet analogy. We are running this race, but we don’t even get to the finish line. We’ve got to be 20 yards behind the starting line and then start. That has to change. We want to be ahead of the race and ultimately that’s what I want to see for the people who read my book. They will not only enjoy the fruits of the labor themselves but also pass that wealth down to future generations.

I also want to get rid of some of the misconceptions about money.
Many people believe that you have to have a lot of money to start building wealth. They feel like they don’t have anything when it comes to estate planning, a will, or an attorney. That is one of the biggest misconceptions. You don’t have to have a lot of money. Start where you are and build from there.

What’s next for Tony Jackson?

I have The Power of Networking Conference coming up in August with Dr. George C. Fraser and other financial and wealth experts in Houston. I am frequently speaking and doing workshops. Aside from that, I have a show every Saturday morning on Radio One at 7:30 am ET, my Facebook Live show that I do on Tuesdays at 8 pm ET, and I do a generational wealth meeting every Thursday. My focus is to bring as much content and education on financial wellness as I can.

For more information on Tony Jackson and to purchase his book, Increase, Protect and Dominate Your Money, visit and

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