Malcolm Banks Explains Why Community Service is his Heartbeat

 Serial entrepreneur & community advocate Malcolm Thaddeus Banks was born & raised in Mobile, Alabama where he grew up feeling deep roots & developing strong ties to his Family, Friends, & Neighborhood. This seems like it was an inevitable natural progression however considering his late & beloved grandmother Alice L. Banks was also a prominent community leader, whom he grew up watching and admiring as an example. Although he has a remarkably busy schedule as a custom apparel and clothing designer of his brand “Da Shirt Shop,” Podcast host of Fandom Anonymous, & as the owner of Banks Media Connections which is a media & clerical company that specializes in clerical work for both personal and business needs as well as media work that includes voice-overs & commercials. He still makes sure to find time for the work that he values most which led him to relocate back to Mobile from Montgomery, Alabama 10 years after graduation because he felt a calling to lead & serve the community of his origin. 

 Why was it so important for you to move back to your hometown of Mobile, Alabama to give back to the community you were born & raised in?

I felt the need to come home for one to be closer to my family. I have been back a little over a year now, and I am glad I made the move because as these words are flowing from me, I am planning my sister’s funeral. (Our heartfelt condolences go out to the banks family) Secondly, as far as the community is concerned, I felt there was a void in the city that I could fill in a lot of various aspects from dealing with the youth & young adults. More than anything I am a true & pure-hearted “Mobilian,” and I want to see my city succeed, so where there is a lack, I want to be able to help.

You have a diverse reach & portfolio from podcaster to entrepreneur did you always have multiple interests & plan to have multiple income streams? If so, why was this important?

I did not start out with the plan to be an entrepreneur. I had a lot of skills that I acquired over the years that every once in a while, I would utilize to make a little money here & there. Once I realized that it was profitable, I turned it into a whole business. Podcasting is something that fell on me without me even realizing it. I am a talker by nature and when I first decided to get behind the camera it came naturally, and it grew and developed into what you see today. I thank my mother for keeping me in books 24/7, 365. It helped me to develop the vocabulary & vernacular that I use daily.

How do you manage your personal businesses & still find time to help sharpen today’s youth as well?

Because I love what I do in my business, it never feels like work therefore it never bogs me down. Anytime I am called on by my community I am ready & available to do my part no matter what.

Your grandmother was also a major force in the Mobile, Alabama area how did her legacy and impact shape your present-day work? I would hear the stories from my family & church members about what my grandmother did in the Mobile area, but it was not until a local content creator who not only knew my grandmother but was a part of her organization did a story on her and talked in detail about how much she meant to the community and how much she moved things in a positive manner. I am constantly called on and stopped in public and either being asked to join something and be a part of an event or organization or just being told thank you for my hard work. I realize that people have Identified me and my organization as a staple in the community that incites change, growth & positivity.

You are a fairly young adult yourself what drives you to be so selfless in an age that is increasingly becoming more self-centered? I did not have a lot at an early age, and I see those kids in the community who are the same way. Why not me? I have knowledge that can be given out and utilized. If there are twenty kids in a room, I hope at least five pay attention because they will start to make moves and their peers will get interested and you start a movement for change.

Tell us more about your Podcast. Where did the name Fandoms Anonymous derive from & what is one of your favorite topics to discuss amongst the diverse subject matter? The Fandoms Anonymous Podcast started back in 2016 and was officially launched in 2017 it started out as a place to review & discuss everything related to comics, movies, tv shows, and all sorts of sci-fi content. Early on we would do a few interviews here & there and then we began to travel & go to conventions doing panel discussions on creating content. Once I moved home, we expanded to moving through the community. We were welcomed in by local promoters to do footage at concerts and events and we were also welcomed in by the local music scene as well. As far as the name is concerned the honest answer is that the word Fandoms means groups of people that are fans of different things. The word Anonymous just sounded cool to be at the end. HA! LOL! That is God’s honest truth! Our favorite thing to do right about now is our videos that highlight Black businesses & Black entrepreneurs because we are giving the city a look into our people.

Do you have a desire to run for office someday what specific area are you interested in meaning (Governor, Mayor, etc.)? What are some key areas you intend to tackle after becoming elected? The Youth! Point! Blank! Period! Because if the youth are not cultivated then that means I have to stay in office until I die to continue to make a change. Our youth need to be given chances & taught properly. I would love to start with the city council & then move on to the mayor’s seat! I believe I can do it and I know I will have a following that will trust my leadership.

In closing what is a positive word of encouragement you would like to leave specifically to today’s youth?

Set an example for your peers. Once you are doing what you are supposed to do in a positive light and manner, they will easily follow suit.

   Malcolm’s love for the youth coupled with community activism is clearly woven into the very fibers of his DNA. He has already made an undeniable impact in his Mobile, Alabama area and I have a suspicion that this is only the beginning for him as we just may very well someday soon be hearing that he has in fact not only ran but won his race for public office. I urge you to keep your eyes & ears open to find out what comes next for this incredible young gentleman who is diligently working to pour into the next generation. Be sure to follow Malcolm at for all the latest updates as I believe he is an upstanding man of the people with character & heart that you can take all the way to the bank.

Rest Well Reyna Banks
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