Meet Serial Entrepreneur, Porscha Glover

Full-time serial entrepreneur Porscha Glover is a wealth strategist and owner of Press4ward Marketing, LLC, Wealth Garden Wellness, and Financial Savvy & Fab. Porscha is a true go-getter that reached her goal of earning six figures in six months. She has also helped over 250 people display their greatness on billboards nationwide and is the first African-American woman hemp broker in the Tri-County area in South Carolina. She strives to enrich her community with financial literacy, wealth building, and health and wellness.

Learn more about Porscha Glover as she tells us more about her businesses and how to set goals.

What is a wealth strategist, and what inspired you to become one?

A wealth strategist empowers individuals to take control of their future while also acting as a guide throughout the journey. Many people fall for the common misconception that wealth strategists are only for those who are extremely rich and wealthy. The truth is, anyone can benefit from the knowledge that comes from partnering with a wealth strategist. In fact, everyone can and should take an active role in their wealth building. Having control ensures your money is continually working in a way that will help you live the life you want.

Press4ward Marketing, LLC has helped over 250 people display their excellence on billboards nationwide, including showcasing black women CEOs in Times Square. Tell us more about this great agency.

I wanted women to show off their talents or business in real-time. Having this opportunity is a true blessing to me because I want women to shine. It is important because it allows women to have a voice on the digital platform, and others can see what CEO women are doing. It gives other women hope that they can achieve anything in life, whether a billboard or just being their own boss. Press4ward Marketing wants to enrich the community and empower businesses all over the country.

You are a full-time serial entrepreneur; besides Press4ward Marketing, LLC, you are the owner of Wealth Garden Wellness and Financial, Savvy, & Fab. May you tell us more about these businesses?

Press4ward Marketing Advertising helps economically elevate the culture through billboard advertisement, to enhance, embolden, and promote small business ownership through the billboard industry. We want to continue helping small businesses across the country gain visibility while reaching their target customers. I truly pride myself in creating this business model for clients to understand the importance of getting your brand visually seen through billboard marketing.

Wealth Garden Wellness is a locally family-owned and operated CBD/Hemp company on a mission to provide “A Higher Quality of Life for All” through education and exposure to the power of plant-based wellness solutions such as CBD by expanding access to cost effective, premium quality CBD wellness and self-care products.

Financial Savvy & Fab is wealth-building and economic enrichment for Boss Women. Financial independence and wealth building through education, creating a strategy based on the question, “What is possible?” Helping individuals think outside the box to optimize wealth growing opportunities by educating and empowering them to control their financial future.

How do you find time to manage all of your businesses?

Delegate when possible. Delegation is not only part of becoming a strong business owner; it’s also required if you want to free up time to focus on the important issues at hand.

How does it feel to be the first African-American woman hemp broker in South Carolina?

Such a blessing. I pride myself on possessing the knowledge within the Hemp industry, which helps myself, and my family. That led us to become the first African American female in the Tri-County area in South Carolina because we wanted others to learn the amazing healing benefits as well.

What advice will you give to others on setting goals?

Goal setting is an important part of starting and owning a business. I recommend all entrepreneurs do. But it’s just one component of the goal-setting process. A goal should be more than just a number. A Goal is a Vision. When I set a goal for myself, I look at it as a chance to create a bigger and better version of myself. I look at the goal as a vision of myself in the future. Start by visualizing yourself at the end of 2022. What’s going to be true about you as an entrepreneur at the end of this year? What will be true about your business? Your personal life? These questions will help you clarify what you ultimately want to achieve in 2022 and who you want to become. It all goes in alignment with creating a vision, not just a goal.

What can we expect from you in 2022?

I am a serial entrepreneur, so my next mission in 2022 would be to truly focus on helping others build true lasting wealth through the real estate industry. So be on the lookout for Wealth Recovery Group, LLC, a family-owned and operated company with licensed professionals who help educate individuals on their assets.

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