Brandon Payne “The Conscious Creator”

Brandon Payne, also known as IAmPvyne, believes life is an experience, and within that experience, we have a purpose of being the best that we can be. He is a musical artist, photographer, businessman, and founder of We The Future Movement, a network of conscious artists. He creates music to help others overcome the negative ways of life and be their best selves. FEMI Magazine had the opportunity to learn more about IAMPvyne and his brand. 

Who is Brandon Payne?

Brandon Payne is the sun of Verleria Eubanks and the moon of Darryl Payne. born and raised in Broward County with a college degree while in pursuit of a lifetime of artistry and creation. A visionary, a leader, a creator, a scholar, and a business owner.

What is your message?

My message is that we are here on Earth to experience and overcome. Life is simply a mission to become your greatest self. Once understood, facing traumas, fears, doubts, others’ negativity as well as our own minds, becomes a part of the process rather than roadblocks.

An incredible loss at a young age in my life, my mother, taught me to keep moving forward while forming strength from the pain.

Tell us more about your brand, We The Future.

The We The Future Movement is a conscious artist community movement based in Orlando, FL. My brand/business/organization creates a safe collaborative space for those conscious creatives to use one another as resources to build with. It spawned from my realization that every artist not willing to lose their integrity for success will still need a route to be successful. The WTF MVMT became that community that spawns greatness through genuine support and knowledge via collaboration, guidance, and proper resources. It is the true melting pot of America working together to create anew.

Describe your creative process when you write new music.

I tend to allow what naturally comes to come when I hear the beat or get a random inspiration. Then, I revisit to discover the purpose of what was being written and how it reflects with my life at the time. That typically gives me a frame for concept and delivery.

My music is so based in my true experience that I must actually live to be inspired. I appreciate that process.

Who are your influencers?

I am to this day influenced by upbringing, my mother’s Christian heart, and my father’s tough spirit. Outside of them, I am influenced by the common folk more than I am the famous. I hear the needs of the people and it becomes my mission. Anyone who carries themselves in that matter is an incredible human being to me, and that I strive to be. A famous example would be Bob Marley, as he was an artist from Jamaica, but sang freedom to the world and created to liberate others.

What is your daily routine?

Risings(not mornings, we don’t like that word) I gather my mind for myself through meditation, exercise of some sort, showering, and eating.

Afternoons, I am able to focus on my personal creativity while checking in with my WTF MVMT team.

Late afternoon to evening, I am having meetings with my team and handle any group work before I call it a day. Funny note, my grandma made me promise to have a time I cut off business mode for myself. I tend to stick to it lol.

How often do you find inspiration while meditating?

Pretty often. I actually meditate to clear my mind to allow said inspiration, so it’s pretty intentful. I often return to reality with a better understanding of the purpose and the priorities to complete the mission.

In your opinion, what are the three keys to life?

[Unconditional] Love because it is acceptance. We are not here to change others but to change ourselves. We must be able to accept others’ differences and love despite them.

Connection because the love shared will always create a true bond. We are here for a personal journey of self-discovery and mastery, BUT that is ultimately to be the best you to provide to the collective of humanity.

Gratitude because appreciation for all things brings joy to this experience. Nothing is happening to you, but for you. Once we tap into that frequency, we see that everything we experience CAN be for our betterment.

What can we expect from you in 2022?

More elevation. Pvyne is merely a vessel carrying out the duties of his ancestry. The We The Future Movement is the prophecy coming to light. Expect more art from me and a flood of creativity from all around me.

Follow IAmPvyne on Twitter and Instagram at iampvyne

Website: IAMPVYNE (I AM PAIN) | Linktree

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