Let’s Celebrate 13x World Boxing Champ and 2022 World Boxing Hall of Fame inductee, Tori Nelson, During Black History Month

Don’t let the smile fool you. Tori “ShoNuff” Nelson is a 13-time World Champion boxer, ranked number one in the United States and number two in the world. She is a force to be reckoned with and is showing no signs of slowing down. 

Her humble beginnings started in Skipwith, Virginia, where she was the only girl with three brothers. She found herself playing football with her brothers and getting tackled like one of the boys. The good part is her brother’s tackles helped to make her tough, not knowing the toughness would later benefit her, both mentally and physically. Unbeknownst to Nelson, it groomed her for the rigors of boxing. As a consequence of her playing football and fighting almost every day in school, her mental toughness was unparalleled compared to most girls her age growing up. 

At age 29, she set her eyes on boxing and hasn’t looked back. Starting on her journey, she had two kids and three jobs while trying to make it in the boxing world. Nelson continued doing her motherly duties while finding time to practice boxing between her job schedules. 

Although at the time, she couldn’t afford to quit her three jobs as a school bus driver, IHOP waitress, and cafeteria worker; she kept her eyes on the prize and fought her way to become a world champion. 

The one thing that kept her going was her drive and mission because her heart and mind were set on world domination in boxing, as well as making a better life for her kids. Without question, she has met her goal of becoming a champion and will be inducted into the World Championship Boxing Hall of Fame this October in Las Vegas. 

Being a boxer has opened up other doors for Nelson; she is now partnering with a major player in the health and wellness industry to promote her own signature FDA-approved back support belt. In addition, she has been on a journey of motivational speaking and is also looking to one day open a gym. 

Meet Tori Nelson, a world champion boxer, boxing hall of fame inductee, motivational speaker, and mother as she talks boxing, family, faith, and new adventures.  

Tell us about yourself and how you got into boxing?

I’m a blessed, single mother of two children, and with prayer, hard work, and dedication I became a 13x World Champion. My name is Tori SHO’NUFF Nelson. I’m also the only girl and baby of three boys. So, I was boxing way before I was really boxing.

I got into the sport of boxing by my ex. I wanted to lose weight and he said, “Boxing is a whole-body workout and it’s the best and fastest way to lose weight.” So, I went to the gym and the owner at the time, Craig Fladager, asked me what I wanted out of this. I said, “Just to lose weight.” He asked me if I would compete, and I said, “If you pay me, I’ll be a world champion.” And by God’s grace, I’m blessed to be a 13x World Champion in multiple weight classes.

You’re ranked # 1 in the U.S. and #2 in the world. How does it feel to be a 13-time world champion boxer?

Well, when I first became #1 in the U.S., I was happy but when I became #2 in the world, you could NOT tell me not one doggone thing. I was on cloud 20 feeling like a Boss.

How do you prepare yourself mentally to compete? And then to win?

I always train to Win. Losing is not an option.  If you go in with the thought of just training for the fight you’ve lost already. Because you doubt yourself. I 1st pray for strength and focus to get ready for training camp then I go into my zone. No outside activities except work. I try very hard to stay stress-free but it doesn’t always happen, lol. That’s life! But I also tell myself that person is working harder than me, so I always push myself over the limit.

In the earlier years, did you face any struggles or criticisms being a woman in the male-dominated boxing world? What challenges do you face today?

Oh, yes! Boxing is a male sport, so of course, some of the men didn’t think or like women boxing. I used to have to fight professional boxing matches for “free” because they didn’t want to pay me or have women on their card. That’s how bad I wanted to box. I even had one of my old teammates ask me, “Why are you here? You don’t belong here you’re a female.”  But of course, later in my career, he ate his words and apologized to me. He also told me I was his only favorite boxer. Respect once again… I was walking like a boss, lol. 

I guess now I don’t have many struggles because I have proven myself in that square, and NOT by showing my body or thinking I’m a model, but by throwing these hands. They see I have skills. I have to give a shoutout to my girl, Champ Claressa Shields for really opening the door and holding her ground for us women. She and I were the first females ever to be the main event on Showtime. Glory to God!

What has boxing taught you about yourself?

Lol, first, discipline. Then, I would say to never think I cannot do anything. Boxing pushes you to the limit and makes you do things you never thought your body could do. Boxing also taught me… Do NOT let people tell me what I can and can’t do. They said I wouldn’t be a champion but by God’s grace, I’ve won 13 times, lol. And of course, I have to say boxing taught me how to not fight dirty because I use to fight with NO rules, where everything goes, lol.

You worked 3 jobs while boxing. What was it like with people knowing you were a boxer and a champion? 

It had its ups and downs. But most of the time, ups! Who was going to tell me NO or argue with me? Lol. But the downs were all the questions, and people always wanting pictures and telling everyone else. I’m a low-key private person so that was something I had to get used to.

Boxing has opened many doors for you. Tell us about how the idea came about to partner with a major health and wellness company to create your own support belt?

Yes, boxing has opened a lot of doors for me. And I’m so very grateful.  But I cannot take the credit for that collaboration. I got a phone call one day and this lady said, “Mrs. Tori Nelson, I have a gentleman on the line that would like to talk to you by the name of Glen Gordon.”  I said, “Ok.” And he explained who he was and about what his company does, and of course, I was so surprised that he even thought about me. 

Mr. Glen Gordon talked to me and asked me would I like to come on board. I was so proud of what he was doing by helping people like me, but I couldn’t answer then. I asked him, “Can I pray on this first?” He said, “Yes, please do.” 

Soon as I got off the phone I prayed and asked God to guide me and to let me know do I join this move, and to give me an answer so I’ll know it’s from you and if it’s what you want me to do. I was on my way to the gym right before the call. So, when I put my headphones on and turned my music on the gospel song, God’s Opening Doors for You, came right on. That was my answer. 

So, when I told him, “Yes sir, I would love to collaborate with you and your company.” He said, “Okay.” And so, after a few months of collaborating with him, he said, “I have a surprise for you.” This man sends me my very own Tori SHO’NUFF Nelson 13-time World Champion personalized belt. I was so excited. And now, you all can order your own Tori SHO’NUFF Nelson lumbar belt. Yes!

As a result of boxing, you have become a motivational speaker. What is that like and what messages do you want to share with the world?

First, I would like to give my publicist, Desirae Benson, a shoutout for being the best publicist out there.

But what is it like? I Love it. I love helping people and giving them that little push they sometimes need. That’s all they sometimes need is for someone to tell them, “Yes you can do it and yes you are worth it.”

What do I share? Well, mostly I tell them just because it hasn’t been done doesn’t mean that it can’t be, “Why don’t you be the first to do it?” I also share some of my testimonies so they can see I’m human too. They usually can relate to some of the things I have been through too.

How important are your family and faith, and how do you stay grounded?

Oh, my faith and my family are #1 in my life. My Jesus is first, and then my kids. It’s been just us for so long I don’t look at them as just my kids; they are my best friends. We are the three musketeers but sometimes we act like the three Stooges, lol. 

I stay grounded by always staying in my bible and talking to them about the word because, if not, I know the world will eat them alive. So, I lead by example.

Why do you want to open a gym?

I want to help people mentally and physically, and if you’re working out, you’re helping both. Also, it’s people out here that have crazy talent but they will never know because they can’t afford to go anywhere to show it. So, opening a boxing gym and keeping the fees down or free for the underprivileged kids, will help them with their mental health and they will get to show their skills off. And who knows, someone might see them and that could be the change they need in their life.

What message would you give to people about not giving up when going after their goals or dreams?

Don’t ever let anyone tell you what you cannot do just because it hasn’t ever been done because anything is possible with God.

What’s next for you?

Well, on October 1, 2022, I’m getting inducted into the Hall of Fame in Vegas. Yeah, baby! But before that, I’m going to just pray to be able to keep going to people’s venues and motivating them to be the best they can be. And then we’ll see what God moves me to next.

Where can people find you on social media?

Oh yes, come talk to me on Facebook @Tori SHO’NUFF Nelson or Tori Nelson, and Instagram @torishonuff 

For inquiries, contact her publicist, Desirae Benson.

Photo Credits: Santiago Gonzalez

Writer, Debbie Stokes is a contributing writer. Follow her on Instagram @Iamdebbiestokes

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    1. Thank you so much for reading the article. I’m glad you liked the interview, and I appreciate you for taking the time to leave a comment!

  1. This story is so uplifting and motivational. She has a good head on her shoulder and I like how she thinks. She’s very talented, skillful, intelligent and much more. Debbie you did an awesome job. I think you write very well and ask the right questions!!! Continue to keep up the good work. Very good!!!!♥️🙏🥰💯👍

  2. Thank you Rose for taking the time to read and comment on this article. You are right, her story is amazing and she is so inspiring. I was inspired writing the article too, lol. Also, thanks for giving me a great review. Your support means the world to me and I appreciate you!

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