Young Black Author Tackles Bullying in New Book for Children

We’ve seen so many stories of young children taking their own lives due to constantly dealing with being bullied. But now, one 13-year-old young girl has created a book about the topic, and it’s getting great reviews on Amazon. Amber Richardson is from Baltimore and is hoping that her book “Mariah Gets Bullied” will be able to reach young kids ages 8 and up there and across the world. We caught up with the young author to chat about the book and what’s next for her.

Becoming an author is a huge accomplishment and especially at 13 years old. What made you want to write this book?

Actually, I wrote the book in the 4th or 5th grade after taking an after-school writing class that taught us how to write a story. My grandmother talked me into taking the class and she paid for it. I found that I loved writing stories. Mariah Gets Bullied was the book that I wrote. After a couple of years passed, my grandmother and I decided to get it published.

Are you thinking about releasing other books?
Well, I have thought about writing a series of book like Mariah Gets Bullied, but instead, they would be stories of other kids being bullied, like children who wear glasses, or handicap children, or children who are overweight or gay. The books would be about the differences in children that might cause them to become victims of bullies. But as of yet, those are just thoughts in my head, lol. I haven’t committed to writing them any time soon, maybe in a year or so.

Your book was also the best new release for 3 weeks in a row? How did you take the time to celebrate?
I was so excited; I went out to dinner to celebrate. And, I always talk with my grandmother whenever exciting things happen with the book, especially because she is my grand-momager and inspiration. She has been there with me from the beginning, and she continues to keep me motivated and cheer me on.

Sometimes when a child is getting bullied, they don’t always let someone know or ask for help. Your book has red flags to look for. In what ways can parents or any adults encourage children to speak up more when they are being bullied?
I think if parents or adults would make children feel more comfortable about coming to them to talk about their problems, then children would be willing to open up or come to them when they experience issues like bullying. Some ways that parents and adults can encourage children to speak up is to: First, be open-minded to listening to children because they have a voice and issues too. Secondly, they shouldn’t be judgmental when a child comes to them. Lastly, they should show love and support to the child to help them through their issues.

What impact do you hope to make with your writing?
I hope my writing can start conversations between parents, teachers, and children in order to bring an end to bullying and child suicides because of bullying. My hope is that it can also help to prevent school shootings related to kids getting bullied.

What words of encouragement do you have for other young writers?
I would tell young people who want to write to go for it. Don’t let people stop you if that’s something you want to do. Also, your voice matters and is worth putting in a book because nobody can tell a story from your point of view like you can. Lastly, be sure to keep at it because it’s nothing like doing something you love to do. And besides, the world needs to hear your stories.

You can buy Amber’s book, Mariah Gets Bullied, and keep up with new projects she’s working on by following her on her Instagram!

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