Women Who Cheat & the Men Who Love Them

We know this is never a topic for discussion because of course we can always find a million blog stories that talk about the men who cheat on women. Today we want to talk about these women who cheat on men. Let’s admit that just as you will find faithful women around the world, you will also find faithful men. Not every man cheats on his woman, sometimes its the woman who is doing all the cheating. You will also hear people who make excuses for why these women cheat. They say, she is cheating because he is not doing something right at home, or she is being neglected etc. All excuses that should never be ground for cheating on someone that you claim you love.

So why do men continue to stick with those women who cheat on them?

I feel the root of it is that they feel they can’t do any better than the woman they have as well as they feel comfortable dealing with the person. Let’s admit some people really hate starting over and they would rather keep dealing with the crap they are familiar with rather than go out and take a chance with someone who can love them better.

I never understood why people would rather stick with someone that isn’t being good to them. I mean its billions of people in the world and you would rather spend your life on this earth with someone who lies and cheats on you?!

Either you are insecure and don’t believe you deserve better or you are just not wrapped to tight in the head. I mean let’s admit, screws do come loose over the years so that could be a possible reason for sticking around a person who is doing you wrong.

So today let’s discuss these men who stick around with women who cheat on them. Let’s switch up the headline for a change and highlight the bad women in the world who do the men wrong! This again is a topic that is never discussed.

We all know some women who are always cheating on their husbands, boyfriends etc. These women go out and cheat with their friends, in some cases they even get pregnant by other men and have abortions, but for some reason these men stick with them?!

You will be surprised how many married women in the US sneak off to have abortions to keep their husband from finding out that they had been cheating on them.

Some travel out of state to get rid of the pregnancy just to keep the husband from ever knowing. I honestly think that’s a messed up situation.

Yet these men stay, because they feel like in some cases they can’t do better or maybe if they have children with the woman, they don’t want to see another man raising their kids or being with that woman.

Thing is you have got to love yourselves enough men to move on and believe that you deserve better than what you have been tolerating over the years. There are women out there who will love you and treat you right without hesitation.

One thing in this world that is priceless is your peace. No man wants to keep going home to deal with a woman who does not bring him peace. So even if you love a person, you have to love yourself more and enough to walk away.

If children are involved then put yourself on Child Support to make sure those kids are good and go on with your life or get full/joint custody of your kids. We only get one life on this side of the earth so why waste it on someone who doesn’t care about your heart or your emotional well being. Most importantly why waste it on a woman who continues to make you feel like less of a man or like another man is better than you.

I guess some men just feel they deserve it???!!!

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Photo By: Nappy

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