OWN’s Black Love Press Recap

Press Roundtable Recap

I’ve had the pleasure of providing a press roundtable recap for Season 5 of OWN’s Black Love series. As usual the creators, Tommy OliverCodie Elaine Oliver, have outdone themselves with another fantastic season of illustrating the authenticity of Black Love. Giving us hope, keeping it real, & illustrating that positive, healthy Black Love does exist. Watch the season!

Screenshot from the Black Love Press Conference, Credit: Tanisha Davis, FEMI Magazine

The couples involved in the round table: Kenny Latimore (KL) & Judge Faith Jenkins (FJ), Ron Young (RY) & Ledisi (L), & Keith David (KD) & Dionne L. Williams (DW).

Why did you decide to be on the show?

KL & FJ – Wanted to participate on a show that represents their marriage: positivity, inspiration, & the authentic journey of their relationship. 

RY & L –Felt participating on Black Love felt natural and safe which is important in their marital journey. 

KD & DW –They feel the show illustrates positivity & longevity especially for Black people in the industry. And that they could be an example for the younger generation.

What’s the key to making Black Love work?

RY & L – Faith, friendship, family, & genuine acceptance of each other. 

KD & DW – Acceptance, choose your battles – in all relationships. Don’t be afraid to be authentically Black. Not the Black that society wants you to be. 

KL & FY – Respect your partner’s journey, acceptance, support, & communication. Celebrate differences. Remember you’re on the same team. The relationship is only as healthy as the people in it. 

How did marriage change your relationship?

KL & FY – Theirs was a smooth transition even though they experienced the pandemic & quarantine right after being newly married.  It helped them create a foundation for their new marriage.  

RY & L – Another smooth transition. Together 5 years before marriage, they became comfortable with themselves & that’s when things aligned. Marriage felt complete.

KD & DWBeing married 20 years, what’s the secret to a happy marriage? Communication is key, it’s constant. Kids keep them accountable. They fight for their relationship. Respect where your partner is. You don’t have to like it or agree, just respect it. 

How have you managed to move through past traumas to a successful relationship that’s unique to you?

KL & FJ – Faith worked on becoming healthy & learning to forgive. KL always strives to do better and uses his past as knowledge. 

RY & LHow’d you know your partner was the one for you?

L felt she could be her complete self, comfortable, really spiritual & natural. RY knew because he didn’t feel the need to show his representative. He was just himself.  He felt naturally in sync with her. 

KD & DWHow do you keep relationship fun?

Do things together, vacation, & are silly together. They allow each other to be themselves. 

How do you disagree in a healthy way?

KL & FJ –Respect, stick to issue, lose desire to win argument, & know it’s ok to agree to disagree. 

KD & DW – DW learned to listen, allowed time to process & then discuss with understanding. KD tries not to use absolutes, is not accusatory & watches his tone. 

RY & L –RY has to process then discuss. Initially L didn’t understand giving space. She learned that this was an issue she needed to work on. 

Social media can be negative. Is it important to sharing positivity?

KD & DW –it’s imperative to share positivity. 

RY & L – it’s important to show Black love being celebrated during adverse times.

KL & FJ – Social Media offers direct access, negative & positive. There’s lots of questions but not a lot of true answers. Lots of pressure to be representative for black community & culture.

Name something positive you’ve learned about yourself that your partner noticed, but you didn’t?

KL & FJ– K didn’t assume she knew who he was when they met. Allowing him to be at peace his authentic self. F has clarity from past experiences. 

RY & L – Their strengths balance one another.

KD & DW – KD reminds DW how strong she is & reinforces her choices. She has taught him to let go & forgive. 

Make sure you tune in to this Season of Black Love on OWN TV network!

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