“I Had a Dream I wasn’t Black”: The Novel You Need to Read Now

In a racially tense climate, where only a small percentage of authors are black, and an even smaller percentage are Black men, David Marcus took a stand and decided to write a book to take a different approach to bring about positive changes in the black community and give a different perspective to race relations in America.

I Had a Dream I Wasn’t Black is a fictional story inspired by the unhappy tale of race relations in the USA. Author David Lloyd Marcus aka Dr. Ouch (a black man), tells an honest account of events of a dream he had; that he was middle aged white supremacist at an elite secret society meeting. At this meeting of white supremacists he learned modern day secret strategies used for conditioning the minds of blacks. One surprising secret revealed is that they are simultaneously conditioning the minds of good-hearted white Americans to execute their ultimate plan.

His vision is that this book empowers black men and women through all walks of life. From HBCUs to men and women caught up in the prison system. It’s a story of fiction but with so much truth. We had the chance to chat with him about how his writing journey started, the mission of his writing, and what he hopes readers will gain from his book.

What inspired you to pursue a career as a writer?

After being in the car business for 13 years I started getting this feeling one day that I was supposed to be doing something more impactful. It was a feeling in my spirit and it came out of the blue. That feeling started lasting days and then weeks. It was a couple of months after that a book idea came to mind. Once I started writing it flowed so easily that’s when I figured out I had a gift. Ideas have been flowing ever since I tapped into that gift so I couldn’t stop writing if I wanted to. I was drawn to it.

Did you face any adversity either in writing this book, or after it was published?

Not at all. In fact, I have never written and went through the publishing process faster than this book. This is the main reason that I know God’s hand is in this one. This book has so much purpose that’s why I believe things went so smoothly.

What topics are you mostly compelled to speak on in your work? Why?

I have covered a broad range of topics from relationships, spiritual warfare and race to name a few. I notice no matter the genre or how entertaining of a story I write it all inspires personal growth. I just try to make it entertaining and creative so you are intrigued to read my works or view my films.

Considering the state of race relations in this country, were you a little nervous to publish a book that deals with that?

 I actually was a little if I’m honest. This book is edgy but very necessary so I had to shake the nerves off. As a black man what I feel this book can do for my people trumps any nerves I could have. I didn’t want to make it too heavy and a boring read. I think I hit a home run with the approach I took with this one. I was as careful as I could be choosing my words to drive a much needed point home.

What is the message you hope your readers get from this book?

I want them to recognize how beautiful, intelligent and powerful black people are because we are shown in a negative light too often. I also want them to recognize that they carry behaviors from a thought process that was strategically programmed in our ancestors and taught generation after generation.

You can find his book on Amazon!

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