Tina… Undeniable, Unstoppable

Whoever said great things don’t come from small towns was clearly mistaken. Nutbush, Tennessee produced an undeniable talent, Anna Mae Bullock, known to the world as Ms. Tina Turner. The Queen of Rock and Roll may have come from humble beginnings, but her gift of music is anything but.  Watching the HBO documentary, “Tina” was as emotional today as watching her film, “What’s Love Got To Do With It” in 1985. Listening to her speak, watching her perform, reading her book left you feeling every emotion she felt.

The horrific details of the physical, mental, and emotional abuse she suffered at the hands of her now deceased, ex-husband, Ike Turner, Sr., are no secret. And unfortunately, is the bane of her existence. At every turn she is constantly reminded of the torturous abuse she endured for years with Ike. The emotional and mental abuse is so deeply embedded that she may never truly heal. But her exposure to abuse began well before meeting Ike. She recalls her parents often fighting. She remembers her parents never loving or wanting her. They left her and her siblings and never came back leaving them to work through feelings of abandonment and being unlovable. Even after reconnecting with her mother as an adult, the painful admission still haunts Tina.

We often attract those who are at the same level of mental health that we are. It is no surprise that Ike fed Tina’s need for family and feeling loved. And in return she fed his need for loyalty. Ike was obsessed with perfection. He saw Tina’s potential, exploited her talents, and controlled her every move. She was not allowed to carry money. He handled all finances. He would beat her and then have sex with her. His actions left her mind befuddled and confused. She felt obligated and loyal to him. She was afraid and riddled with guilt and fear.

Learning that Ike’s past was also filled with abandonment and distrust explains his need for loyalty and control. These issues are vital in understanding how Ike was affected, in essence making him the man, Tina Turner loved, hated, and feared.

Tina was later introduced to Buddhism. As she became stronger in her faith, she gained clarity.  It was then she knew she had to make a change. Ike also saw the growth and realized he couldn’t control her any longer. Tina thought walking away from Ike was the hardest thing she’d ever done. That was until she began her solo career. No matter how hard she worked to become Tina Turner, she was and is still under the Ike and Tina shadow. To this day, people still associate her with Ike judging her and asking intrusive questions that sends her reeling back into her abusive past repeatedly. Reinventing herself, relocating across the world, even becoming the Queen of Rock and Roll, it took years of hate and Ike’s death for her to realize that he was a very sick person. She says she’s forgiven him but how difficult is that for her when the constant reminders are there?

The progression and succession of her solo career eventually paid off as Tina started from the bottom, reinvented herself and persevered. She had a dream and would not stop until she made it come true. And she did so with hard work, patience, and determination.

A true entertainer, Ms. Turner’s music is an experience. Her performances iconic, her voice unique, and her presence is exuberant.

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