Ashley Clark Is Empowering A Generation!

Ashley Clark is an entrepreneur determined to educate the youth on financial literacy in a fun way. She has made a name for herself in the world of money, but not in the traditional way that one might think of. Clark has gone in a different direction compared to her peers in the financial education sector. Her target audience is quite literally smaller, with her company Sense2cents.

 Ashley tapped into the niche market of creating games revolving around financial literacy for kids by educating them on the ins and outs of financial literacy. According to Ashley, introducing conversations about money is encouraged “At about 2-4 you can start introducing the habit of saving money with a small piggy bank. Saving is a great habit that when introduced early can make a big impact on one’s life, so the earlier, the better.”

Clark’s affinity for money did not come out of nowhere, at a young age she was obsessed with collecting different state quarters, “Once I started collecting I just wanted them all and my parents were always in tune with things that I enjoyed so that helped me stay focused.”

 Although  Sense2cents only seems natural for someone with a love and an affinity for numbers, her journey there was a bit wounded. She majored in economics in her college years and eventually landed a job at a bank in a primarily white area. Afterwards she moved into a town to a bank that served more people of color. 

 In leaving that bank she realized the lack of financial literacy within the community.

“It wasn’t my direct decision. It just happened this way. I’m sure it was all a part of God’s plan. Leaving them and going ‘in town’ definitely was what I needed to get this business started once I realized the difference in how we handled our funds and the questions asked.”

Working at that bank with the community is what led to her light bulb moment leading her to start Sense2cents.

Her entrepreneurial journey initially started as an online lecture in which she went through the basics of financial literacy and theory, which was very important. She then moved onto the idea of creating flashcards and eventually a board game. Clark realised “there was a lack of information that our people didn’t know,” and that lack of information is something inherited from generation to generation.

Sense2cents primarily caters to children and is one of the few financial tools out there with black families in mind, and it was met with a great deal of success, resulting in Clark’s company achieving 6 figure status in just a year!

Ashley’s journey was not without its challenges, just after starting the promising enterprise for Sense2cents,  Clark was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis which is a life-altering diagnosis. “Well when my mother was in tears because the doctor said I may not be able to work again based on the state I was in, I promised her that it would be ok. I wouldn’t need a job because I knew my business was what people wanted. Without me even promoting it, I was still getting orders. I knew once I got out, it would flourish and thankfully it has.”
Her financial savings and entrepreneurial spirit went a long way.

 Children’s board games are just the beginning of the Sense2cents empire, “I am actually in the works of another game/conversation starter for young adults/adults that will release in the second quarter. I have so much more in store.” Ashley reveals!

 You can visit and shop the Sense2cents website here at!

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