Queen Sugar Recap Season 5 Episode 2

The heat is definitely rising as we get into the second episode of Queen Sugar, “Mid- March 2020” and the virus has arrived. What are some of your predictions? In the first episode I internally predicted the virus would affect a certain main character more than others and in this episode Darla brought it to our attention.

The virus has a significant effect on the elderly, and the first character that came to mind was Prosper Denton, played by Henry G. Sanders. Prosper is a lovable, hard-working, wise, elderly gentleman who’s character brings balance to the series. I’m now curious on what his fate will be. Charlie has decided to shut down the city for a couple of weeks for the safety of her town, which meant their aunt Violet Bordelon, played by Tina Lifford, restaurant “Vi’s Pies” has to close as well as her husband’s Hollywood, played by Omar Dorsey’s man cave will be at a halt.

Charlie was not too happy about her son’s probate as he revealed himself when her and his father came to visit. Micah West, played by Nicholas L. Ashe was avoiding his mother, mainly because she’s overprotective and controlling but he was also secretly pledging a fraternity he knew his mom wouldn’t approve of. Micah is ready to set boundaries.

Nova had a lot on her mind as she attended her boyfriend’s great grandfather’s birthday celebration. There she met his children as well as his ex wife where they had words. The ex wife tried her best to get under Nova’s skin with embarrassing claims, but her boyfriend ended the charade quick! That’s what I like to see, but it still didn’t keep Nova’s mind from wondering. Did her white boyfriend have an infatuation with black women? Will Nova be able to let those accusations go?

This episode left a lot of things in the air. What will happen amid the virus shut down? Is “Vi’s Pies” strong enough to wait it out? Will the shut down force Micah to come back home? Will Nova get past the ex wife’s words telling her that she was not the first black woman and won’t be the last? Let us know what you think. Share your predictions, leave us a comment below. We’d love to hear from you!

Writer, Kiwanna Harshaw is a Blogger and Contributing Writer. Follow her on social media @Dearkiwanna

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