Ivan Thomas – How Business Owners Can Pivot During Times

Meet Ivan Thomas – the President and CEO of Intrigue Media Group, a PR and Brand Management company based in Atlanta. He has represented high-profile clients and some of the nation’s biggest companies. Like Rev. Jesse Jackson, NBA Player Michael Beasley, Rapper Waka Flocka, Xerox and Nielsen. Ivan is also a husband, father, serial entrepreneur, and motivational speaker. He is known as “Mr. Defy Gravity.” Given his expertise, Ivan is highly sought after for his vision and success strategies.

Ivan’s purpose and passion is helping entrepreneurs and others tap into their gifts and personal greatness to achieve the life they desire. In his latest book, Defy Gravity: Unleashing Your Greatness Within, he provides strategies and recommendations for business owners that struggle to maintain relevance, pivot, and adjust during uncertain times. And who better than him? Ivan understands the drive, mindset, commitment needed to create a powerful and sustainable brand. His goal is to not only help entrepreneurs survive, but to thrive while navigating uncertainty in business markets.

Ivan Thomas shares with FEMI magazine his journey in public relations, the importance of a publicist, and how businesses can pivot during uncertain times. 

How did you get into public relations and brand management?

I actually was exposed to PR and brand management through my dad who started a PR company when I was attending college at Howard University. Prior to graduation, I began working with him and in total, I worked with him for about 6 years. During that time, I was responsible for securing press opportunities for clients, helping to develop effective strategies and campaigns, and also connecting them with other high-profile people, companies, and nonprofits. I learned many of the ins and outs during that time.

What is Public Relations and why is it important to have a Publicist?

Public Relations is designed to assist companies and individuals in building credibility and public awareness of who they are and what they do. It is also critical to building credibility and trust. The operative word is “relations.” So, a PR agency will help clients by connecting them with professionals in the media space by solidifying interviews and media coverage, connecting them to key leaders and influencers both inside and outside of their industries, and by positioning them on platforms that will enable them to share their messages and connect with their target audiences. PR is like your eyes and ears, showing you how to effectively craft your message and share your core mission and values in a way that will resonate with people and enable you to attract loyal supporters and advocates of your brand. If you really need the world to know about you, it is extremely important to have a publicist. Every highly successful company and every successful public figure utilizes PR for a reason…so they can respond to issues relevant to them at a moment’s notice and connect with their audience at any point by sharing important news, achievements, and updates on products or services. Social media and paying for ads alone will not get that done.

What inspired you to write a book?

My book, Defy Gravity: Unleashing Your Greatness Within is a success guide that helps people to activate their gifts and their purpose so they can achieve their ultimate level of personal and professional greatness. When I was younger, there was always this word tied to me. That word was potential. I would hear from teachers and others, “Ivan is so smart, but…If only Ivan did this, he could do that….” I started to despise the word potential because it meant that I had the ability to do something, but I wasn’t doing it. As I got to adulthood, I decided that I no longer wanted to have potential, I wanted to actually do. So, I went on this personal journey of studying highly successful people, altering my mindset, and adopting successful habits, rituals, and routines. From there, I saw every aspect of my life growing and blossoming from my personal life to business. I started companies and decided that if I wanted something, I was going to make it happen. Reflecting on my own journey and the lessons, I realized that there are so many others who desire more for their lives and are struggling to pull it all together. They don’t want their dreams to die with them. That is why I wrote the book to inspire, motivate and equip others to overcome the odds, tap into their personal greatness and launch into the life of their wildest dreams. That is what “defy gravity” is all about.

I wrote the book after looking back on my journey through life and as an entrepreneur. I recognized that there was a time where people always talked about how much potential I had. I was very smart and creative, but for the most part, just average.

What are three things a business should know about creating a powerful and sustainable brand?

1) You must develop a plan. Failing to plan is planning to fail. If you don’t properly map out your goals and identify the steps necessary to achieve them, you will not succeed in growing or sustaining your brand. You must also set the terms for success and failure.

2) Be consistent. Remember, out of sight, out of mind. In this day and age with technology and social media, people have a short attention span and are constantly looking for information and content. If you do not attract attention, your audience will go elsewhere.

3) Have somewhere for people to go. It is great to generate a following and have people checking for you on social media. However, where do they go from there? Do you have a website with products and services? Do you have a business? If not, you can have 300,000 followers and still be broke. There is nothing sustainable about that.

What are common mistakes business owners make when building their brand?

1) Again, failing to plan. Thinking you are the hottest thing since fresh bread, and everyone will love you is not good enough.

2) Not having a true brand identity. Who are you, what do you do, and what do you want to be known for? You must be able to articulate that clearly because that is how you can identify who your target is and provide them with what they are looking for.

3) Being fake and in-authentic. While it is a good thing to draw inspiration from other successful people and companies, you have to be authentic. Be you. If you are pretending to be someone or something you are not, it can backfire and ruin your credibility and reputation – and you may never be able to recover.

4) Trying to do everything yourself. Teamwork makes the dream work. No matter how talented and knowledgeable you are, you cover far more ground with a good team.

5) Thinking too small. You have to set expectations so large you don’t even think you can achieve them. That is how you stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone and grow as a business owner. Being comfortable and playing it safe is dangerous and will certainly limit your growth.

How can business owners continue to pivot during uncertain times?

The most important thing is to pay attention. During uncertain times, like the one we are experiencing right now with the COVID-19 pandemic, your customer base will tell you what their needs and wants are if you actually listen. As business owners, our success depends on our ability to be observant, to understand the trends in our market, and to be solution-oriented. Also, in order to pivot your business, you will likely have to adjust your strategy. What worked in a healthy environment may not work in an unhealthy one. You have to figure out the right approach. And with that said, while you may have to take a moment to regroup and re-strategize, you cannot be bashful once you determine your game plan. You have to take bold, massive action. Go hard or go home.

If you are a business owner or if you are looking to discover your own power, check out Ivan’s book Defy Gravity: Unleashing Your Greatness Within on Amazon.

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