Alexa, Please Give Me Michael B. Jordan!

Ladies imagine a world where Alexa was the sexiest man alive and all you had to do was simply make the smallest of requests, and there he was. Well in the latest Amazon ad, that wish became one woman’s fantasy (and her husband’s nightmare)!

Michael B. Jordan makes his Super Bowl ad debut in their latest commercial titled, “Alexa’s Body”. The commercial begins with a woman talking about Alexa’s features. She then says, “I literally could not imagine a more beautiful vessel for Alexa to be inside”. That’s when a truck covered with Mr. Jordan’s face comes into view, and the woman begins to fantasize about him being the voice recognition systems vessel, and now we can’t imagine a better vessel either!

Things get steamy, as Michael takes the physical place of Alexa, fulfilling his owners’ commands. He teaches her French, helps her cook, and even impresses her guests, dimming the lights by taking off his shirt and showing off that tight body and ripped abs! The best part though, is where the two share a bubble bath together, and Michael portrays the feature of an audiobook and reads a very steamy passage to the woman. Now the presence of this sex symbol of a man does seem to rattle the married woman’s husband, but the ad is every woman’s dream come true!

Michael B. Jordan has proved he’s more than just his handsome face and perfect body. He’s killing it on the big screen, having created a buzz for himself in ‘The Black Panther’ and now he’ll star in the forthcoming Thomas Clancy ‘Without Remorse’. His star is rising, and he’s never been a bigger hit with the ladies than he is now, but the ad is particularly special because of what it showcases. Typically, Super Bowl ads are filled with sexy, half-dressed women selling something. But this Sunday, we get a hot man to gaze at and after watching this ad (at least five times. Don’t judge me!) I’m not ashamed to say I’m ready to go out and buy like four Alexa’s!

You may remember Amazon called on big names like Gordon Ramsey and hip-hop superstar Cardi B to be the voice of Alexa, when the voice recognition system lost its voice, during their ad for last year’s Super Bowl.

If you haven’t already, you can catch “Alexa’s Body” featuring Mr. Sexy himself, Michael B. Jordan this Sunday during Super Bowl 55. Ladies, I couldn’t think of a better excuse for us to tune!

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