We Are Running for Tissue over the Canceling of ‘Run the World’

Hollywood writers are celebrating the imminent end of the WGA strike and the fact that they can soon get back to work. However, Starz has decided to take a different approach by canceling some of its shows, including ‘Run the World’, just after its second season.

The show is from the creator of Living Single and the executive producer of Dear White People. It’s about four best friends living in Harlem striving for world domination.

The cast includes, Amber Stevens West (Whitney) Bresha Webb (Renee) Corbin Reid (Sondi) Stephen Bishop (Matthew) Tosin Morohunfola (Ola) Erika Alexander (Barb) Jay Walker (Jason Ross) Andrea Bordeaux (Ella) Ellie Reine (Amari Powell) Nick Sagar (Anderson) De’Adre Aziza (Donda Baptiste) Sasha Hutchings (Hope) Becca Khalil (Radha Shah) Christopher Powell (Preston) David J. Cork (Chris Cabrera) Emily Tarver (Abby) Aramie Payton (Brandon) Bubba Weiler (Chad) Derrick King (Rashad).

Let’s admit we have fallen in love with these characters and the storyline is amazing, making you feel like living in Harlem is the place to be for love and a host of sexual escapades. After hearing about the cancellation of the show, we are a bit disappointed. I mean we still have something similar on Amazon Prime, which is Harlem, but we were loving the lifestyles of these four amazing women.

If this was a relationship, we feel like we just got ghosted. Now we can’t help but sit back and wonder what could have been the storyline for a possible Season 3 of the series.

Spoiler Alert….

Our thoughts are will Whitney & Ola get back together? Especially after she dropped that bombshell news on how she finally revealed to him that she had given the goodies up before her wedding to the neighborhood male thot. A man Ola had been dabbing it up with him in a few scenes. We are still rooting for a reunion of the two even though that’s a bit much for Ola.

We want to know if Sondi is about to switch from older dating and consider some love from a younger man, Rashad, because girlies he was handsome and he relates so much to her passion for African-American studies.

Although we were enjoying seeing Renee get spoiled by Preston, a millionaire might we add, it was beautiful to see that she finally realized that it was never about the money a man has, it’s all about the love and we saw our dear sister fight or shall we say sing her husband back! Not going to lie, there were some watery eyes during that scene when Jason got down on one knee. Now we are left wondering if Renee is going to give him the baby he wants.

The last episode of the show was July 14 and well we will never know what path these ladies of Harlem were about to embark on. Just maybe it will come back, anything is possible.

All Images Credit to Starz
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