20 Years as Jane Doe: “All Missing Children Aren’t Dead.”

In October 2019, a shocking story revealed itself as the longest living Jane Doe surfaced when she realized that her life was a lie while applying for a business license. SMonique Smith shares her pain to gain a story with FEMI Magazine, as she unfolds her thought process and what she is doing now. 

Most can agree that having your child abducted can be a devastating and numbing moment. Various thoughts cross the parents’ minds, such as what to do and even how to save the child. According to the FBI’s National Crime Information Center (NCIC), a child is missing or abducted every 40 seconds in the United States. In 2019, there were over 421,394 confirmed reports of missing or unidentified children; find more information at https://www.fbi.gov/services/cjis/ncic. But what do you do when you find out that you are the child that has been abducted? 

What was your thought process when you found out that not only was your name not indeed yours, but the person who raised you wasn’t your mother?

Initially, my mind, spirit, and soul spiraled out of control. I was completely shocked even with having some sense that my identity, my entire life was lived as a lie. I’m GRATEFUL that my motherhood instincts took over, reminding me that four children depended on my ability to maintain a mindset creating a legacy worth passing on.  

Read the full story now in our JAN/FEB 2021 issue of FEMI Magazine which is now available in digital and print under the subscription tab!

Image Credit: Antonio Hunt, Jr.

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