“Street Workout Connects Everything from the body to Spirit: Former NFL/CFL Player Oli Primé Talks Street Workout and how to Stay Motivated

Can we be honest for a second? Can you say that working out is a strong suit for you? If yes, then you are amongst the elite, and if no, then let’s get into it quickly. Honestly, working out is one of the most given up goals than any other New Year’s resolution. According to the International Health, Racquet & SportsClub Association, “4% of New Year’s resolutioners quit by the end of January, 50% of new gym members quit going within the first six months, and 46% of ex gym members said that it cost too much.” Maybe, the gym is not for everybody, and that is ok, and we all know that having motivation is a hit or miss.  However, Oli Primé offers an alternative that is everywhere and free to use, STREET WORKOUT, and he provides some mindful aspects for maintaining that motivation! 

Femi Magazine interviewed Carl-Olivier Primé, aka Oli Prime, about his workout aesthetics, the transition from football retirement until now. Also, what mental, physical, and spiritual techniques he uses to keep going. 

Since retiring from football, what has been your purpose in life? How has the transition been like for you?

 My purpose has been to discover myself as a man and teach other fellowmen how to tap into their manhood and know themselves as men.  To grab their identity and own it. I have a blog about that. Also, the transition was fun. I was ready to move on because I was excited to meet the other me. The after,  football, me. The me I was going to be with for the long run.

Read the full story on Oli Prime in our JAN/FEB 2021 issue of FEMI Magazine which is now available in digital and print under the subscription tab!

Image Credit: Maxime La Valliere

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