Jonathan Rabb, CEO of Watch the Yard, Partners with Michelle Obama, “When We All Vote.”

It is that time of the year again, and no, it is not Christmas! However, it is voting season, and the CEO of Watch the Yard has partnered with our FLOTUS, Michelle Obama, to connect with HBCU’s to register and spread the cheer of voting. So, let us get into it! Watch the yard is a black-owned news and media site that keeps the public in the know about current events and the history of D9 sororities and fraternities. Also, while sharing positive news about the NPHC, Watch the Yard provides relevant information about the culture surrounding black colleges and universities in the world.

Find out more about Watch the Yard at  Therefore, not only can you catch your favorite sorority or fraternity strolling, strutting, and providing community service, but you can watch and read the news on social injustices, political stances, and more on what is happening on black campuses. Lastly, just a reminder, Watch the Yard does not speak on behalf of the NPHC or college and universities, but Jonathan does an excellent job at giving out needed details in a new and trendy way.

Why Watch the Yard?

Honestly, the question is, why not Watch the Yard? Jonathan has been able to gain well over 335K followers on Instagram since the launch of his site in 2014, and his site has attracted millions of diverse African diaspora students, people, and an aura that brings a positive outlook on black greeks and HBCU culture. There is strength in numbers when it comes down to critical events. Therefore, by reaching out to HBUC’s is a great and authentic way of bringing up the needed conversations on the importance of voting and being able to make a difference, by helping students register to vote.

Clearly, having a huge platform is beneficial in several ways and Jonathan has used his technology and journalism skills to help shape the future for better generations to come. As George Santayna once said, “To know your future you must know your past,” and Jonathan has taken this context and created an everlasting vision that will spark many more important decisions and conversations world-wide.

When We All Vote

 Michelle Obama, though she has decided to not run for president, has taken another approach in the candidacy in getting as many people possible to register and vote. When We All Vote, is a campaign started by Michelle Obama that addresses the issues of low voting and has pledged to utilize more resources and time to get people registered and voting. Also, you can possibly win a chance to chill out with Michelle, virtually of course, if you take action with them by pledging to register 10 eligible voters. Michelle has noted in her campaign that “Democracy is stronger When We All Vote,” and she has made sure of this by creating easy access to become a volunteer, registering schools to vote, creating a voter resources hub, donating source, and giving updated information. Find out more ways to contribute to the voting process through

It is good to say that things have been moving in the right direction for Jonathan and all of his hard work, activism, and dedication to black people, their history and future. In all, congratulations to Mr. Jonathan on creating Watch the Yard and all of his accomplishments, staying involved within the black community and creating history. To connect with Watch the Yard and learn more about how to get involved with registering to vote follow on IG @Watchtheyard and @whenweallvote.

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