Inside the Mind of Shanesha Scott: The Visionary Behind FAD Fashion!

Get ready to dive into the fabulous world of FAD Fashions, where style meets affordability and trends come to life! Meet the mastermind behind this fashion extravaganza, the one and only Shanesha Scott! As the owner and creative force behind FAD Fashions, Shanesha is on a mission to bring cutting-edge looks to the masses, without breaking the bank. From versatile patterns to statement pieces, FAD Fashions is the ultimate destination for fashionistas of all ages who crave the latest must-haves without the hefty price tag. So, buckle up and join us as we explore the vibrant world of FAD Fashions, where fashion dreams come true and style knows no bounds!

FEMI Magazine (Mo Clark):  With so many online boutiques popping up in the wake of COVID, what made you decide to start your brand?

Shanesha Scott: Seeing the surge of online boutiques not as a challenge, but as an opportunity to create something unique, I launched Fad Fashions in May of this year.  Fad Fashions offers women’s clothing and accessories including plus-size fashions. My experience as a former plus-size model has deeply embedded in me the significance of body positivity and diversity in fashion. This unique perspective has driven me to build a brand that celebrates all body types and income levels. I want to empower women to feel confident in their own skin. 

FEMI: Embarking in the entrepreneur role can be a task. What type of research did you do before jumping into the role?

Shanesha: I think my background in modeling and makeup artistry helped me tremendously. Also, owning other businesses in the past allowed me to make more sound decisions. It was easier for me this go around. I have a team behind me that is made up of experts in their particular fields (marketing, etc.).  In my other business ventures, I wore multiple hats; with Fad Fashions, I have experts to lean on.

FEMI: Entrepreneurs experience a lot in their journey. In fact, some say it takes at least 5-6 years before you see a profit. What are your insights on that? 

Shanesha: This is so true! People often see the “glitz and glam” of everything on social media, but entrepreneurs are often breaking even or in the red. Also, you have to factor in the state of the economy. When the economy is not great, people are more mindful of how they spend their money.  On a positive note, patience and persistence are key in entrepreneurship. While it’s true that profitability may take time, focusing on building a loyal customer base and delivering quality products can lead to long-term success. I view each challenge as a learning opportunity and am committed to continuously refining my brand and offerings.

FEMI: What have you learned about being an entrepreneur along the way? What new things have you learned about yourself while developing your brand?

Shanesha: I’ve learned that resilience is crucial. The entrepreneurial journey is filled with ups and downs, and staying adaptable is essential. I’ve discovered a newfound confidence in my decision-making abilities and creativity. Every hurdle has taught me more about my strengths and how to leverage them effectively.

 FEMI: What challenges have you faced and how did you overcome them?

Shanesha: Since Fad Fashions opened recently, my main challenge has been getting our name out there and building a reputable brand. When people hear Fad Fashions, I want them to think of quality clothing that is affordable and dependable (shipping, receiving the correct items, etc.). I am diligent about marketing and following up with my customers to ensure the clothing or accessories meet their expectations.

FEMI:  Looking back from start to finish, is there anything you would’ve handled differently?

Shanesha: If I could say anything, I would have opened my TikTok Shop sooner. In my opinion, TikTok is a key social media platform for marketing and getting your brand out there.

FEMI:  Who is that one celebrity that you say you MUST have in your fashion pieces?

Shanesha: This is a tough one, but I would have to say Ashanti. She’s a classic beauty and so down to earth—which is my vibe. She embodies confidence, body positivity, and self-love, which are values my brand stands for. Her influence and style would perfectly complement the spirit of my boutique, and I believe she would rock the collection beautifully.

FEMI: What’s up next for your brand?

Shanesha: Exciting times ahead! I plan to launch a luxe collection and continue to explore collaborations with local artists. The journey is just beginning, and I can’t wait to share more fabulousness with everyone!

     It’s one thing our FEMI readers know, and it’s fashion. FAD Fashions passes our “go to “ check. Shanesha created a lookbook for the masses and we salute her for catering to everyone. Send us all your FAD Fashion looks because we want to see just how #FAD you are.  

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