The Impact of Taliah Waajid’s Legacy on the Hair Industry

Taliah Waajid is a natural hair icon and is continuing to let the world know just how she became an icon. Taliah grew up in the city of Harlem, NYC, and she knew at an early age that she wanted to be a part of something big. Taliah Waajid may not have known at that time, but her “something big” would be culture-changing. Waajid, just like young black girls, saw the image of straight hairstyles in the media and magazines, and she too longed for the sleek style that the world was telling her she SHOULD have.

With a desire to stand out; she tried several things, and some looks she liked, and she didn’t like them, but she knew she didn’t want to give up.


Over the years, her various explorations of hairstyles and hair textures led her into the formulation of her own business at the age of just fourteen. In fact, Waajid was one of the first to offer a complete line of natural, chemical-free hair care products. While several others were turning to relaxers and other options, Taliah was working on a development plan that included creating products to help maintain and manage one’s natural hair. Over the next several years, her brand and her reputation began to become a household name, and she expanded her branding to others. 23 years later, her generosity afforded her the opportunity to unite other brands and support them in one set at the Taliah Waajid Natural World Hair Show.

                Taliah Waajid Natural World Hair Show features some of the best in the hair and beauty industry. Patrons can attend, take classes, view performances, test out products, and even see live demos. This past Spring, in Atlanta, GA, Waajid was able to gather several vendors for spring, including some of the top natural hair products, top stylists, barbers, and cosmetologists. Not only was this three-day event a jam packed with knowledge, classes, and more; but there were panels with children’s entrepreneurs, dating gurus, and some of the top influencers of today. This year, the Taliah Waajid incorporated the Flourish Beauty Council in which ten women in the media and beauty industry were hand-selected and given recognition for their hard work and dedication; an act no doubt continues to speak to Ms. Waajid’s character and her support of young women are on the rise.

                Waajid’s hard work and dedication have not only paid off as it pertains to her world natural hair show, but her products are now in beauty supply stores as well as popular retail chains such as Walmart, Sally’s, and more. Her dedication to her craft also extends to her community as she continues to display humility and philanthropy through her experimental community outreach services and support of branding, beauty, and family. Taliah Waajid is the brand that we have all come to know and love, but Taliah Waajid is a woman with a big heart who continues to grow, share, and support.

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