Khaleea Powell: Championing Mental Health and Empowerment in the Black Community

Khaleea Powell is an extraordinary 29-year-old entrepreneur, public speaker, journalist, author, advocate and mother, born and raised in the vibrant city of Washington D.C. She is making a significant impact by advocating for mental health, women’s wellness, fibroid awareness, faith-based living, and black maternal health. Khaleea combines her diverse passions effortlessly, creating a lasting impact in her community and beyond. She is a highly seasoned public speaker and has graced numerous platforms, sharing her invaluable insights on a wide range of topics. Recently, Khaleea was named “Inspiring Woman on the Coast,” a testament to her influence and impact. In addition to her speaking engagements, Khaleea is the proud author of the book “P.O.U.R,” which guides women on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation. Through her company, KhaleeaJhanei LLC, she is on a mission to preserve, develop, and promote the vitality of mental health awareness and resources while uplifting and empowering her community.

What sets Khaleea apart is her unwavering belief in faith, self-empowerment, understanding one’s season, and embracing divine purpose. Her personal experiences have shaped her into the resilient, compassionate individual she is today, driving her passion for advocating for issues that affect the black community. Let’s dive into a recent discussion with her to learn more about the work she is doing and to gain more information on the questions you all may have about women’s health.

Not many pay attention to the effects of fibroids on women, what has been your experience, and what motivates you to spread more awareness about them?

My experience with fibroids was one of intense pain and uncertainty. I remember being in tears from sharp, paralyzing pains in my lower pelvic area, unable to even sit comfortably in a car seat during a long journey. It took a toll on me physically and emotionally, as I struggled to understand what was happening to my body.

When I finally sought medical help and was told there was a possibility it could be fibroids, I was faced with conflicting advice and uncertainty. The lack of clarity and understanding from medical professionals left me feeling frustrated and scared. It was a challenging journey, but I ultimately underwent surgery to address the issue.

My motivation to spread awareness about fibroids stems from my own experience of feeling uninformed and unsupported throughout the process. I realized that many women may be going through similar experiences without the knowledge or resources to navigate their health effectively. It’s important to me to empower women with information and support so they can advocate for themselves and make informed decisions about their health.

Additionally, I recognize the generational impact of fibroids within families, as it often affects multiple generations of women. By raising awareness and sharing my story, I hope to break the cycle of silence and stigma surrounding fibroids, ensuring that women have the resources and support they need to address this common but often misunderstood health issue.

Mental health is so important and it is especially something that mothers tend to battle a lot with. How have you dealt with it?

Dealing with mental health challenges, especially as a new mother, has been a journey of faith, self-discovery, and learning to prioritize self-care. The postpartum period coincided with the onset of the pandemic, returning to work remotely, and navigating personal losses, creating a perfect storm of stress and uncertainty.

Throughout this time, I leaned heavily on my faith, trusting in God’s guidance and protection. However, I also recognized the importance of seeking professional help and support. Engaging in therapy virtually was a step in the right direction, but I faced challenges in finding the right fit and felt frustrated by the process.

As women, we often carry multiple responsibilities and societal expectations, which can take a toll on our mental health. The pressure to be the glue that holds everything together, especially as a mother, can feel overwhelming. Learning to prioritize self-care and set boundaries became essential for my well-being.

Self-care, for me, goes beyond pampering or indulgence; it’s about creating space for stillness and mental rest. Despite the constant busyness of my mind, I’ve learned to give myself permission to pause, to be present in the moment, and to prioritize my mental health above all else.

While everyone’s journey with mental health is unique, I’ve found solace in knowing that I’m not alone in facing these challenges. By sharing my experiences and advocating for mental health awareness, I hope to empower other women to prioritize their well-being and seek the support they need to thrive.

What inspires you to keep championing for others?

What inspires me to keep championing for others is the realization that my experiences and struggles are not unique, and there are people out there who may be going through similar challenges. By sharing my story and actively engaging with initiatives, companies, and brands aligned with my purpose, I hope to offer support and encouragement to those who feel alone or lost.

Throughout my journey, I’ve encountered moments where I wished I had someone to turn to for guidance and advice, whether it was in my spiritual walk or as an entrepreneur. Feeling like a trailblazer can be daunting, but it has also motivated me to be that source of support and guidance for others who may be navigating similar paths.

While serving as a beacon of hope for friends and family is fulfilling, it’s the moments when I realize I’ve made a positive impact on a stranger’s life that truly resonate with me. Knowing that someone has chosen to trust me and step out on faith because of my influence is a humbling and empowering experience.

Ultimately, I live by the mantra “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” By continuing to champion for others, I hope to inspire positive change, foster community, and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those around me.

You share about embracing your divine purpose, what do you feel your divine purpose is in life?

My divine purpose in life is to serve as a bridge, connecting people from a place of frustration to one of fulfillment. I believe that every experience I’ve gone through has equipped me to be a walking testimony for others who may encounter me along their journey.

Whether I’m leading, trailblazing, or serving in a posture of humility, I know that I’m fulfilling my purpose by being intentional about how I impact those around me. I embrace all facets of my journey, understanding that each season presents opportunities for growth and transformation.

By allowing the light within me to shine, I aim to inspire and uplift others, guiding them towards a place of purpose and fulfillment in their own lives.

How do you show up for yourself daily? 

Every day, I prioritize my well-being by starting with intentional prayer and meditation, seeking guidance and setting the tone for the day ahead. This practice grounds me and allows me to speak positivity and empowerment into my life, shaping my mindset for success.

Setting boundaries has become crucial for me, and I’ve learned to confidently say “no” when needed, protecting my time and energy from being depleted by unnecessary commitments. By prioritizing myself in this way, I ensure that I have the space to focus on what truly matters and to recharge when necessary.

I organize my day into hour blocks, identifying opportunities to dedicate time to myself. Whether it’s indulging in rest, going for a walk, or enjoying a favorite activity, I fully immerse myself in these moments, allowing myself to be present and free from distractions or guilt.

In my ebook P.O.U.R., I share these practices as a testament to the transformative power of self-care and self-reflection. By investing in myself, I create a reservoir of positivity and strength that not only uplifts me but also allows me to pour into others from a place of abundance and overflow. This journey of self-discovery and empowerment embodies the resilience and renewal symbolized by the Phoenix, inspiring hope and transformation in every aspect of my life. I love by: “What’s in your cup is for you; Pour into others from your overflow!

What upcoming projects or events are you working on that the community can be involved in?

We have several exciting projects and events in the pipeline, and we’d love for the community to get involved! You can find detailed information and stay updated on upcoming events by visiting our website at Whether it’s through donations, volunteering your time and skills, or simply spreading the word about our initiatives, every contribution makes a difference in our mission to uplift and support the community. We appreciate your support and look forward to making a positive impact together!

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