Self-Development Expert Colleen Brown-Chambers Shares on the Power of a Positive Perception


Colleen-Brown Chambers has dedicated the past 11 years of her career to impacting the lives of many as CEO of her own personal development company G.E.I.N Transformational Enterprise. However, she has been making a difference from an early age. Growing up in a large family in Jamaica was her training ground where she learned early on that she had a passion for helping people learned strong family values and formed lasting connections. The published author has only grown wiser with time and is now harnessing that wisdom to share her leadership skills in such a way that empowers others in a way that transcends gender and truly transforms those in her sphere of influence. 

What is your recently released book “She’s Evolutionary” about?

She’s Evolutionary is a self-motivational poetry book. It is separated into two parts, showing the past and present evolution of one’s journey in self-acceptance, self-love, and self-actualization. It is the ultimate tool for daily affirmations and self-empowerment.

How did you conceptualize the book and what would you say your primary motivation for writing it was?

The book shows the transition from getting to love oneself, as you must love and accept who you are to improve on what you have. Your best self is making peace with the past and living in the present while preparing for the future. The primary purpose of this book is to act as a mirror of who you are while identifying the power you possess in becoming the best version of yourself. This book was my guideline for self-discovery, love, and empowerment. The aim is to help many who are currently struggling to find themselves, love themselves, and want to become the best version of themselves.

You are the founder and CEO of G.E.I.N Transformational Enterprise. What do the initials stand for?

Generating, Empowering, Impacting Nations Transformational Enterprise.

Tell us a little about your background and career trajectory.

I am a serial entrepreneur operating three six-figure businesses., the author of three international books geared toward leadership and self-development, an international speaker, a university lecturer, and a justice of the peace (notary) for the parish St. Andrew located in Jamaica.

How did you discover you had a gift to motivate and speak into individuals’ lives?

My gift was discovered as a child coming from a family of 10, living in the inner city of Jamaica. I have a natural talent for leading and I am a lover of people. I wanted to create a life that could combine both, generating wealth. Success for me is doing what I love and getting someone to pay me for it. I speak, I help I lead while creating systems to become successful. My life encapsulates all of that and more. 

Why is it so important for you to have a focus on positively developing males in society?

It is important to empower men in my country, as strong actualized women need strong actualized men to create a family with. Women are now leading many companies and graduating from more universities as opposed to a small percentage of males and that poses a problem. A strong woman needs a strong man to be worthy of her submission and devotion as a protector, provider, and lover. Our country and world are lacking that, and so that birthed my passion project. The ‘Legacy Tour for Boys’ in selected inner-city schools in Jamaica. This gears to the empowerment of young men by empowered, successful businessmen in their respective fields.

Out of all your endeavors coaching sessions, writing, leadership seminars, etc. which would you say comes most naturally for you?

Coaching, writing, and leadership workshops are all components of creating one system of empowerment. I have a special love for all three and mastering them helps me to speak life into my clients, whether as a group or as individuals.

 Colleen Brown-Chambers is making a huge difference in not only her community but internationally as well. As her book title reads, she is indeed evolutionary going from serial entrepreneur and justice of the peace to name a few of her previous roles to now boldly owning the fullness of her power through the work that she has done within her own life to become so self-aware. Not being content to hold it all inside she has made it her life’s work to help others feel the same way. This is an important and necessary work as many are suffering from issues surrounding low self-esteem and mental health.

Follow her on Instagram here, to keep up with all the latest news and information on this remarkable woman.

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