Shaina Rainford is the CEO of viral Multi-Million Dollar brand, Bask & Lather

Shaina Rainford is an accomplished CEO who runs the multi-million dollar brand, Bask & Lather. She is a Nurse Practitioner who, a few years ago, used her expertise to create the company’s #1 best-seller, the Scalp Stimulator, after her younger sister lost all of her hair due to a severe ringworm infection. Today, Shaina is a successful real estate investor and juggles multiple roles as a devoted mother and CEO of an 8-figure company. Her story is a testament to her resilience and determination to succeed against all odds.

Can you share more about the personal experience that led to the creation of the Scalp Stimulator and how it evolved into Bask & Lather’s #1 best seller?

A few years ago my younger sister lost  ALL of her hair to a ringworm that spread across her scalp and was misdiagnosed as dandruff. Dermatologist told our mother that her hair may never grow back after months of having a smooth, shiny scalp. Out of desperation, our mother took things into her own hands and created a scalp oil to stimulate growth which is now our #1 best selling product and a viral sensation. In 2020, I was working as an office-based Nurse Practitioner. When COVID struck, I was deployed to work at our local hospital. I acquired COVID and became very-ill—to the point where I ended up in an ambulance on a non-rebreather mask. I eventually recovered. However, a short while later my hair began to shed in clumps and the texture changed. I was heartbroken, devastated and embarrassed. Even after having survived a deadly disease, I was so hurt about my hair. At this time, nobody knew that “COVID hair” was a thing. I began to use our “Scalp Stimulator” and “Hair Elixir” (they didn’t have names then) concoctions very consistently and my hair reverted back to normal. It stopped shedding, thickened and the texture returned to normal. It was at this time that I knew that we had to share these products with the world. Not only did these products restore my sister’s hair, they revived mine too. I told my mom, “we HAVE to share these products with people. If i’m young and experiencing hair loss out of nowhere, imagine how many other people like me are going through the same thing.”

Managing a multi-million dollar brand, being a mother, and handling various roles must be demanding. How do you prioritize and balance your responsibilities as a CEO, real estate investor, and parent? 

There is no such thing as balance. There is always something that has to take the backseat while you tend to the other. 

Starting a business is often accompanied by challenges. Can you describe a significant obstacle you faced in building Bask & Lather and how you overcame it?

Entrepreneurship is a daily struggle! But I would not have it any other way. Thankfully, my brand hit the ground running and has continued to rise. However, I have lost friends in the process, made many sacrifices and have had sleepless nights. When I first started, I hired a bunch of family and friends to help with order fulfillment etc and let’s just say- people say not to hire friends (and sometimes family too) for good reason. Despite having grown a team, I still have to put in long hours many days to ensure that the company continues to thrive. Nevertheless, I am so proud of all that my brand has accomplished in just three. short years and because I am so passionate about what my brand does for our customers, I don’t mind putting in the work. 

Bask & Lather has become a viral sensation. How do you foster innovation within your company to ensure continued growth and relevance in the ever-evolving market? 

I ensure that our braid is authentic and true to self. I am my target audience, so I thoroughly understand how my target customer thinks, acts, what music they like, what they do in their spare time etc. This makes it much easier to speak to the customer in a way that directly resonates and strengthens their affinity to the brand. 

Balancing a successful career with motherhood and other pursuits is no small feat. What strategies or principles do you follow to integrate work and personal life successfully? 

I just make it happen, each and every single day. As a mother, you have to make it happen no matter what is thrown your way. This also applies to entrepreneurship – there are no true days off and you have to make it happen no matter what. 

For aspiring entrepreneurs, especially those in the health and beauty industry, what advice would you give based on your journey from a Nurse Practitioner to the CEO of an 8-figure company?  

Create your own lane. Authenticity is key to growing an engaged audience and staying ahead of the curve in a “saturated” market. 

The journey from your sister’s struggle with hair loss to the creation of the Scalp Stimulator is incredibly compelling. Can you elaborate on the personal impact this experience had on you and how it shaped the mission and values of Bask & Lather?

Our vision is, “Transforming lives by pioneering natural, science-backed hair care solutions that nurture healthy hair and stimulate growth, empowering individuals to embrace their hair’s full potential, radiate confidence, and celebrate their unique beauty.”

Our mission is, “Committed to crafting premium, science-driven hair care products using natural ingredients, dedicated to fostering healthier hair, promoting growth, and empowering our customers with the knowledge and tools to achieve vibrant, luscious, and strong hair while prioritizing affordability and customer satisfaction.”

My sister’s journey is at the center of everything we do. Because of this, we know first hand the feelings and experience of our customers and everything that we do is with the customer in mind.

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