Ceasar Christian Talks Playing House & Music

It’s no secret that love and relationships can sometimes take a backseat to one’s career. But what happens when you combine the quest for love with your career?  You do exactly what emerging hip hop artist Ceasar Christian is doing and put all your potential boos under one roof and see how well the play. Recently FEMI Magazine got a chance to chop it up with Ceasar Christian from ‘Caesar’s Playhouse’ a new reality show about finding love; to find out exactly what’s going on in the house. 

FEMI Magazine (Mo Clark): First off congrats on all the things you have going on. New music, new reality shows, everything new. Tell us was this reality show something that was your idea or was it pitched to you? What made you hop on board?

Ceasar: It was my team’s idea. We were brainstorming ways to promote the music in a creative way that ties in with my brand. Since I kinda got a Playboy persona it made sense. It took a little convincing but eventually, I saw the vision lol.

FEMI: Moving the ladies into one home may scream disaster to some, what are your thoughts about having all the ladies under one roof?

Ceasar: The more the merrier lol I was down and it sounded like a good time honestly.

FEMI: Since you are looking for love and your ideal match, what do you feel are the 3 top attributes a lady must have when trying to get to know Ceasar?

Ceasar: Confidence, Beauty, and Loyalty.

FEMI: When it comes to finding love and your music career are you prepared to find the balance is it all?

Ceasar: I think that can make my career grow if it’s the right woman on some Jay and Bey ish.

FEMI: Do you have positive examples of love in your life and who were they if so?

Ceasar: My Aunt and Uncle have been married for 20+ years and they’re pastors and always talking about me finding the right girl. They definitely inspire me.

FEMI: Do you feel your relationships or love life have ever directly affected your music?

Ceasar: I talk about relationships in my music and I’m always trying to appeal to my female fans so it’s always some stories mixed in my lyrics. 

FEMI: We’re all hoping you find your perfect match, that’s the whole idea, but in case it doesn’t happen, what’s your ideal first date?

Ceasar: Definitely something where we can talk maybe dinner and bowling. I like bowling or playing pool on a first date. Those are good icebreakers and ways to play and vibe together. 

FEMI: Tell us what else you’re working on that we may not already be privy to.

Ceasar: We’re getting ready to film the reunion for Ceasar’s Playhouse Season 1 so definitely look out for that. I just signed a sub-label deal with Empire too, so I think I’m about to sign my first artist to my label TwoFive Records.

Well, there you have it. Finding the perfect balance, or at least having fun while finding the perfect balance make sure to keep up with Ceasar and his quest to find love!

Full episodes of the show are now streaming on Amazon Prime Video!

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