Spotlight: Meet McDonald’s Change Leader Ambassador and Beauty Entrepreneur, Aaliyah Thompson, Who’s Breaking the Stigma on Autism

Let’s own the fact that all around the world, many view autism as a source of disappointment, annoyance, or shame. Even for some researchers, this negative stigma tends to keep families from seeking a diagnosis and services for their children. Autism at times may affect an autistic person’s ability to make friends, date, or even get or keep a job. When it comes to adults, most keep it hidden even from their doctors that they may have autism.

We shine the light on a young woman who has stepped in to change the way we view those with autism.

The Jonesboro, Georgia native Aaliyah Thompson, was diagnosed with autism at the tender age of 5. With 1 in 36 children in the U.S. diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Aaliyah chose to crack open the door of possibilities. Aaliyah would not allow this diagnosis to affect her ambitions. After graduating high school with honors, Aaliyah discovered her love for the beauty industry. With that, Aaliyah is now the Founder and CEO of Aaliyah’s Beauty Bar and CEO of Aaliyah’s Nail School, making her the first autistic person in the United States to own both a beauty bar and nail school.

In the spirit of National Autism Awareness Month, Aaliyah is launching Aaliyah’s Nail School, specifically designed to accommodate those with disabilities and allow them to demonstrate mastery in nail artistry through certification. Students will be allowed to learn at their own pace and receive additional support and resources needed for success. Breaking barriers in the community, Aaliyah has been selected to be one of the ambassadors for McDonald’s Black and Positively Golden Change Leaders.

“I want to be a reminder to the world of the power of inclusion and the transformative impact one person can have on their community.” – Aaliyah Thompson, CEO.

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Aaliyah is not slowing down and is breaking the stigma around autism. 

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