Let’s Talk Beauty and Balance with Judi Johnson

In this day and age, women are calling their own shots. Sometimes it comes with sacrifices but always it comes with hustle, drive, and a side of grit, glitter, and grind. Actress and writer Judi Johnson is no stranger to making things happen.  Recently Judi sat down with FEMI Magazine to discuss family, Hollywood, and creating a balance for success.  

FEMI Magazine (Mo Clark): What made you first get into acting and who are some of your acting icons?

JUDI JOHNSON: Acting was not on my radar because honestly, I didn’t even know it was a profession I could select. It was after I witnessed my sister compete in the Miss Jamaica pageant that sparked my interest in the modeling world, which led me to the commercial world, which then led me to film and television. I fell in love with acting, the truth that excepted the good and the bad, the light in the dark, the total human experience, because it was encouraged and applauded. Then when I got paid that light bulb went off. I would’ve done this career for free but I’m so glad it is a method that I am able to sustain my lifestyle. There are so many acting icons that I am inspired by such as Dorothy Dandridge, Angela Bassett, Zoe Saldana, and Jamaican trailblazer Oliver Samuels just to name a few.

FEMI: Sometimes we as writers experience writer’s block, has this ever happened to you and how did you overcome that barrier?

JUDI: Most definitely, I have experienced writer’s block. What has worked for me is to step away, take a breather and not force creativity. I may have to go outside and just breathe in fresh air or do an activity not related to writing. This way when I sit back down to write, I can fully be present and commit to my thoughts and allow my mind to flow free from judgment and just write.

FEMI: Working in Hollywood is tough, there’s so much competition at times, how do you make sure you set yourself apart from others?

JUDI: Hollywood is a beautiful experience filled with so many talented individuals. It’s easy to fall into the status quo but the best way to set yourself apart is to not focus on anything or anyone else besides yourself. I applaud those around me that are excelling, I celebrate those who are winning, and I empathize with those who share difficult times. For me, I set myself apart by being focused and keeping my main thing my main thing. I would love for all of us to win. So I set myself apart by recognizing that I am an individual a puzzle piece with my own interpretation background and upbringing that contributes. I’m grateful when I get auditions. I am incredibly thankful when I book roles, and I do my best to help others along the way. So I guess you can say I have a servant’s heart in my pursuit, of this Hollywood experience.

FEMI: How is it been balancing Hollywood and family?

JUDI: Balancing Hollywood and family is unique for me because both my husband and my son are in entertainment. My husband is an independent film and television producer and our son is interested in being in front and behind the camera. We make sure to include each other in all our activities. Red carpet events, set visits, and even sometimes helping each other with auditioning. In the event we cannot be together we schedule family FaceTime and my husband and I balance our schedule to make sure that we are supporting our son as well as supporting each other. In the event, work takes us out of town. We schedule to travel to ensure that we never go more than 14 days without seeing each other.

FEMI: Tell me about things that you do to prepare for a role.

JUDI: Some of the things that I like to do when I am preparing for a role is simply studying the script. If information is available on the character, such as real-life events then I like to research as much as I can. Ultimately, I do my best to find synergy with the words and my interpretation of the truth, and who I am as a person. My goal is, to tell the truth and be as authentic as possible so sometimes meditation helps sometimes a playlist helps, and sometimes talking to individuals about their experiences can open up my perspective, depending on the role that I am privileged to play.

FEMI: One of my favorite things I’ve started saying is, “I’m walking in my purpose.. ON purpose”. Is that something you relate to and how do you feel about walking in your purpose?

JUDI: I love the phrase I’m walking in my purpose on purpose. I definitely relate to that because I am a firm believer that your purpose and gift will make room for you. Purpose equals fulfillment. And I do believe that everyone wants to feel fulfilled. therefore, everyone wants to be in purpose and on purpose. I believe my purpose brought me from Jamaica, I believe my purpose brought me out of the Washington DC area, and I believe my purpose brought me into Atlanta and allowed me to settle here in LA. This purpose has also opened the door for me to meet my husband, and to be connected to the church that I attend in Simi Valley, revelation, church. Purpose has brought me to this point of having this conversation with you, so yes, I believe in walking in my purpose on purpose. Great question :).

FEMI: What types of projects are you currently working on?

JUDI: Currently, I am working on the final season of Double Cross, (written and directed by Chrystal Gibson) in which I play a character named Robin. These projects explore human trafficking in an underprivileged neighborhood. My character is transformed, because she was not only a victim of human trafficking, but also survived the lifestyle and has been able to find redemption from her sins. It’s a unique story of twin siblings who become neighborhood vigilantes and unfold so many layers of drama, you gotta watch. At the end of this year, you will also be able to watch the sequel Christmas movie called a Wesley Christmas, my character, explores the roller coaster ride of what it is to plan a Christmas wedding. This project is a feel-good project brought to you by Bree and Chuck West with Octect Productions. At the end of the year, we will be filming the final installment of the Wesley Christmas franchise.

FEMI: What advice would you give your 15-year-old self?

JUDI: The advice I would give my 15-year-old self is to take intentional time to listen to my heart. Listen to my fears listen to my dreams and desire. I will tell myself to take the time needed to learn who I am, to give myself grace when I make mistakes, to applaud myself, when I achieve something and I hold myself accountable when I know I can do better. I would advise myself to set a foundation that is so solid that I can stand on it because it is really hard to set a foundation in the midst of a moving train. I will tell myself to take my time, to possess my time, because it is my time.

FEMI: What lasting impression do you want to leave on Hollywood?

JUDI: The lasting impression that I want to leave on Hollywood is I believed in a higher power than myself because I recognize I can’t do this without God. The lasting impression that I want to leave Hollywood Judi glorifies God.

Well with a sparkle and positive spirit as that, it’s no secret on just how Judi Johnson has captivated the spirit of viewers around the world. We look forward to watching more from her on the big screen and reading her thoughts and words on her upcoming projects. We wish her all the best and much-continued success. 

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