Greg & Cheryl Clarke: Leading by Example with a Limitless Kind of Love

Lately, I have been focusing on God and the fact that He is Love. I know that He has been hearing me because it keeps coming back to me. Being a writer, you come in contact with people from different walks of life. It’s a beautiful thing, but my favorite part about it is seeing the people who have been through it all, and still came out shining. They have this wisdom to them, and they don’t mind telling you the rough parts that lead to them being polished. Couple Specialists, Greg and Cheryl Clarke are those kinds of people. After 27 years of marriage (“and counting!”) they have been through more than enough together, and they want to show other couples how they can do it too! They aren’t just talking about surviving in love, they are talking about building in love, living in love, and staying in love.

They aren’t just talking and teaching though. They are practicing what they preach, literally. They incorporate the Word of God while bringing their fundamentals of love to couples who want to do more than just survive. I definitely agree with the wisdom that they are laying on the table, and with their experience, it shows that I am on the right track. I would recommend them to not only couples but singles as well because they cover all grounds. There is so much to gain from this Power Couple, or I should say, “Couple in Power” (because they’re of God). Check out the jewels that dropped below.

What led to the launch of your podcast?

Greg and Cheryl Clarke: “As entrepreneurs for almost 23 years, together for close to 30 years, and parents of 6 Children; our passion is for Motivating Other Couples to Have Success in their Relationship and their Business.

Ultimately, we decided to make it our mission to create a place for couples to learn how to take CONTROL of their income, and create an IMPACT in their immediate world. There was a point in our life when everything was getting tougher. We had failed miserably in several ventures! We had foreclosed homes, cars repossessed, a mountain of credit card debt, and a draining bank account. That was probably the lowest point of our lives. Dissolving the relationship was on the table, but we refused to quit! We realized we had to take matters into our own hands. We wrote a book called ‘The Power of the 4 A’s’, of how we went from contemplating divorce to moving into a successful marriage. It is our deep desire to create a movement of incredibly motivated couples together in the community to grow a profitable business; without sacrificing their Marriage, Family, or Fun!”

Why do you feel there are more Divorces today than there are marriages?

Greg and Cheryl Clarke: “There are many different reasons why divorces happen. One main reason is that a couple’s trust level can decrease. It can decrease for a number of reasons; which can result in the couple losing sight of their future, and untimely the relationship can potentially die.

When trust levels decline in the relationship it becomes a fundamental problem because you’re not meeting each other’s needs. This can result in couples displaying rejecting behaviors towards their partner, which are often consciously or unconsciously done such as: being dismissive, shutting down, being standoffish, isolating, or giving the cold shoulder. These behaviors can damage a relationship.

Trust is the foundation to create a healthy relationship with your spouse and can reduce stress levels. The good news is that even if you don’t trust one another now, with some effort you can build up that trust over time. Also, the ability to persevere and to grow through the experiences in a marriage is to move through a timely situation. It is not a microwave or instant possibility, but it is built through a dedicated process like an oven.”

Check out the Full Interview with Greg & Cheryl Clarke in our JAN|FEB Black Love Issue!

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