Ms. Classy Talks the Power of O.P.M., Children’s Financial Literacy Book & Setting the Tone in Business and Personal Lifestyle Funding

Let’s admit that financial literacy is not something you often learn first in some homes for minorities.

We are often just taught to finish school and go get a job to support ourselves. We are not always taught about banking, credit building, or even having your own business. Yet thankfully we now have successful entrepreneurs who are not just educating themselves but are reaching back to educate our foundations for tomorrow, those foundations being our youth.

Ms. Classy is releasing her first financial literacy children’s book entitled “Nikki and the Magic Well” on January 11, 2023. The multifaceted businesswoman seeks to open the envelope with parents worldwide in beginning the process early of preparing our children for their financial future at a young age. We had the pleasure to catch up with Ms. Classy and she gave us more insight into what she was working on!

Why do you feel black parents have slacked on teaching financial literacy?

Based on my own experience and the culture, I wouldn’t say it is a classification of parents slacking, it is more so one cannot teach what one does not have knowledge of. It goes back to the saying “Teach one, Reach one!” Financial literacy is not a topic that is commonly discussed among people of color, especially in African American communities. There is a significant amount of who are now learning about the power of financial literacy and freedom as adults because of the lifestyle they strive to live within.

How do you feel the enslavement of our ancestors has hindered the black race from being ahead of our opposition in business? 

More commonly, people of color were made to believe that financial literacy and financial power in credit were only for their Caucasian counterparts and that we were unworthy of having access to such powerful tools. That is a form of mental manipulation that we have endured over the years, which has been passed down from one generation to the next. Blacks were made to believe that if you work hard, make money and pay your bills then you’re living life to the fullest. While Caucasians have passed down to their generations the access, knowledge, and power of financial literacy.

Tell us more about your children’s book, Nikki and the Magic Well, and how it will best help kids understand financial literacy.

My children’s book is entitled “Nikki and the Magic Well,” and it is the introduction to financial literacy that people of color needed years ago. I’ve taken a powerful tool and broken it down to make the information easy to understand for our youth to utilize in gaining such freedoms. My book is a foundation that can be built on. 

How did it feel to be chosen to travel to London and Africa to share your knowledge on business? What has that experience helped you to discover?

It was an out-of-body experience. I knew that I was physically there, but it was surreal. I discovered that I am the chosen one to walk for a specific purpose. Out of everyone in the world, it was destined for me to go on that journey. My biggest takeaway was that there is absolutely nothing in this world that you can not do, as well as, there are brands, businesses, and people who see the value in you and will accommodate the top dollar for you to do it.

What’s next for you in business?

 In 2023, I will be on my first book tour promoting the power in our children and their financial literacy.

We have come so far with black business ownership on the rise, what advice do you have for creating financial stability in business so you can survive and thrive as owners? 

Stop using your own money! Take the time to repair your personal credit and establish business credit so that you can start using OPM (Other People’s Money). While you’re investing and building a savings with your own money, with my knowledge and programs….I can show you how to run your business by using OPM.

Many powerful notes can be taken from this interview and we are looking forward to the release of Nikki and the Magic Well! Be sure to keep up with Ms. Classy!

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