Shanquita Greggs of ′Simply Scents By Shan′ Went from Unemployment to Creating a Booming Candle Business

The sheer act of lighting a candle and seeing it flicker creates an ambiance that cannot be duplicated. And having the perfect fragrance establishes a mood of serenity that instantly makes a room feel warm, inviting, and comforting. Atlanta-born, Shanquita Greggs, has mastered combining just the right scents to the point she has captured celebrity clients like Beyonce, and her mom, Tina Knowles, along with a large number of other women across the country to prove it.  

Today, candles are big business and come in all colors, shapes, and sizes. And Greggs used her time of unemployment and job instability to carve out her place in the candle-making industry. She created her business, Simply Scents by Shan. Since the beginning, she hasn’t looked back and her business is thriving.

Follow my conversation with Shanquita Greggs as she shares her story of how she recreated herself after being laid off from her job.

You were a flight attendant at some point. What led you from being a flight attendant to making candles for a living. Where did the inspiration come from?

So, yes, I was a flight attendant during the 911 crisis. I had only been flying 2 years when the 911 situation happen. And of course, people stopped flying; they were afraid. So, we had to get laid off and I was always the person to get laid off because I hadn’t been flying that long. After the second or third layoff, I was like man I need to find something else to do. I was watching a Martha Stewart tape and she was talking about candles and candle-making, and I was like, I want to try that. So, that’s where the inspiration came from. And once I tried it, it just kind of snowballed from there and it became a passion. Then, I started selling them out of my trunk and making them in my kitchen on my off days. Then, they called me back to work and I went back to work. Then, they laid me off again so I started doing the candles full-time.

The candle industry has produced over 3 billion in sales and is growing. What do you think all the craze is over candles?

Well, I don’t think it’s anything new because the candle industry has been really big. I think it’s just now kind of catching on and people are starting to notice it and realize that they can make candles. You know, I think before, it was like a car. People knew they couldn’t make one so they would go and buy one. But now, as far as candles, people know that they can be handmade and so more people are getting into the business.

You liked making candles so much that you used your last $467.00 paycheck to start a business. Tell us about your business, Simply Scents by Shan.

Yeah, I used my last paycheck from United Airlines to start my candle business which was $467.00, which later grew into a million dollars in sales. So, just believing in myself and just pushing forward, and just thriving off the passion, you’ll never know when or what could happen. But you know when you’re passionate about doing something, you’ll never work a day in your life.

So, it did start with the $467.00 paycheck, a dream, and passion. So, that has led us to become a well-known company. My aim is for us to be a household name so everyone will know about us. That’s why whenever I get anyone to interview me, I always say―yes because I’m thankful anyone recognizes me because of my hard work. I’ve been in business for 20 years.

You were blessed to be able to prosper in your business and you have some celebrity clients including Beyonce and her mom, Tina Knowles. What was it like gaining them and other celebrities as customers?

Well, I really don’t see them as celebrities when I get them because, at that point, they have become my customers. I just focus on having a hustling mindset. So, whenever I go somewhere or I know someone is going to be there, I make sure I have gift bags just for them because I admire them, for one, and because I would like them to try the products, enjoy them, and potentially become a customer. So, it just all starts with admiration, and then you bring them a gift, and then you believe in your product. So, I’ll say, “Hey, I have something good and I want you to try it.” And I have confidence when I give it to them. Then, when they get it home and burn it, they be like, “I like it.” And they become a customer. Even if they just accept my gift that one time, and write me and tell me they love it, that’s great.

What was it like transitioning from working for someone to being an entrepreneur? What advice can you give to those who would like to take the leap to own a business?

It was easy because I’ve always wanted to work for myself. I didn’t know it at the time but I’ve always wanted to be independent. That’s the reason I became a flight attendant because I didn’t have anybody on my back telling me what to do. I could be free. I could travel. You know, I could just do me. And the transition was just simply that, a transition―I was just moving on to the next. So, it was nothing to be fearful of, it was what I wanted. You know, I’m not an early person. So, that was one of the things I wanted with working for myself, to be able to wake up at 9:00 or 10:00 in the morning and still get to work on time and do what needed to be done.

If you want to take the leap to own your business, my advice would be to go for it. And when you go for it, make sure that’s what you really want to do because you have to be there even when the money is not there. Because the money is not going to come instantly but if the passion is there and the love is there, you’ll gain customers, you’ll gain momentum, and you’ll gain confidence in knowing that you’re doing the right thing. And once you know that you’re doing the right thing, then that gives you the patience to wait for whatever is next. So, even if you hit a million-dollar mark, or whatever your dream is, you’ll still look forward to what’s next because it’s always another level. So, it might be like, you’ve made this amount and now you want to make 3 million, or you might say it’s not about the money anymore, or you might later decide you want to go around talking, educating, and inspiring others. So, it’s just always a matter of what’s next for you.

You were also in the United States Airforce for 8 years working with T38 bombers and inspections of F16 and F17 fighter jets for NASA. That’s amazing and thank you for your service! How did the service prepare you to be a business owner?

It taught me independence and discipline, and I had a great career field meaning I was a maintenance worker with some top-notch security things. So, it gave a level of importance. It was just a great experience for me and my first time away from home. Even now, the military plays a big part in my life for my health benefits and things like that. So, I always like to instill in people don’t look at the military as a last resort. Sometimes, it can be a first resort to get things accomplished and do what you want to do too. It’s all about a mindset.

You are also a community activist. Tell everyone what you do.

Well, I don’t know, I like that word though―community activist. I just do what people ask me to do and I try to do what’s needed in my community. So, if I see a need and I can meet it, I do it. And for a long time, I’ve been working with the disabled in my community. I work with the special education students at Jack Yates High School in Houston, Texas. We teach them job skills to get a feel for working, and once they graduate, they will know how to work in a business environment. So, I give a lot of time in that area. It’s needed and it’s very satisfying as well.

What’s next for you?

I’m working on a brand where I’m doing mentorships and going around speaking. And I’m just encouraging and talking to people about how to get started in business, and I’m motivating them to get started.

How can people follow you?


Photography credit: JP Dewberry

Writer, Debbie Stokes is a contributing writer. Follow her on Instagram @Iamdebbiestokes

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