Aisha Tatum Helps Women Live a More Focused & Balanced Life through Holistic Wellness! 

With all the obstacles that can hit you in everyday life, being able to renew your mind is a crucial skill to have. Aisha Tatum is a Certified Holistic Life Coach & holistic wellness educator, author, and speaker. She has gone through a period where she faced an emotional, spiritual, mental, and financial breakdown. She has taken the lessons she has experienced to help others detox emotionally, mentally, and physically. This allows them to fully align with their purpose and give birth to their dreams. 

FEMI Magazine had a chance to connect with Aisha to learn more about her services and how a life coach can make a significant difference in your life. 

I hear the term Life coach a lot, but I’m not sure what it means. Many people find their services beneficial and necessary for their success. Tatum breaks down the advantages of working with a professional. “A life coach is simply a person that desires to help others achieve a level of fulfillment. A life coach can provide support, guidance, and accountability in helping someone achieve their goals and dreams in specific areas of their life. There are several life coaches including health and wellness, spirituality, relationships, career, wealth, and even mental health.” 

Tatum takes a holistic approach to her practice. She helps her clients and others by providing education and tools that assist in spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and self-development to help the whole person fulfill their purpose and reach their potential. 

She talks about the common misconceptions that can come with being a life coach. “One common misconception that I’ve come across is that life coaching is therapy. Therapy and life coaching are two different things. Therapy is also known as counseling and is a long-term process that focuses on diagnosing and attempting to solve past trauma and behaviors so that a person can move on and achieve a certain level of wellbeing. Another misconception is that you don’t need to be trained to be a coach. This is completely false. Coaches have an innate gift to help others, but there are also skill sets that a coach must use such as effective goal-setting, structure, knowledge, techniques, methods, and tools to assist the client.”

Every day brings on its own challenges. We touch on a few ways that you can renew your minds daily. 

Listening to binaural beats. Specific binaural beats can help the mind achieve an alpha state, promote relaxation and reduce anxiety. 

Incorporating essential oils like lavender can help people achieve a calmer state of mind and focus. 

Practicing mindful breathing and mindfulness meditation can help renew the mind as well. 

Tatum is not a stranger to loss by losing one of the most inspiring figures in her life, her mother. With so many experiencing loss during the pandemic, Tatum shares her healing journey.  

“I have come to understand that healing really is a journey. There are days when you feel so overwhelmed and burdened with grief, sadness, and heartache. Other days when you feel like you’re flying like an eagle. Healing takes courage, consistency, and clarity because you have to be willing to accept everything, make peace with it and begin to focus on the purpose behind the pain. As you uncover the purpose behind the pain, you can begin to pull yourself forward and strive to become the person you were meant to be.” 

Going through Tatum’s program has numerous benefits and outcomes. She provides a 90-day Emotional Detox program for women who desire to heal, incorporate self-care/self-love, and achieve wellbeing in mind, body, and spirit. The program provides a step-by-step blueprint for taking women from pain to purpose, from feeling trapped in a mental/emotional prison to mental and emotional freedom, from being in bondage to their past to being free from their past, from feeling overwhelmed and scattered to focused and balanced, from heartbroken to inner peace and from an unhealthy body, toxic habits and unfulfilled life to a healthy, body, productive habits and a healthy & fulfilling life. 

Be sure to Connect with Aishah Tatum on Instagram!

Image Courtesy of Aisha Tatum
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